Masonry  Instructor

Floyd Light

Google Classroom Links

  1. First Period

  2. Second Period

  3. Third Period

  4. Fourth Period

Course Sequence

  1. Basic Blueprint Reading / Industrial Safety

  2. Beginning Masonry

  3. Intermediate Masonry

  4. Advanced Masonry

ATC Masonry

Masonry Program Description

The masonry program is one of three ATC programs that allows students to take the KY Pre-Apprenticeship Track exams as well as the NCCER Core and Masonry certification. Student can combine this contstruction path with others to diversify and become a more marketable future employee.

Course descriptions are linked below in the program of studies link . This is a high-deman, high-wage pathway.


  • NCCER Core Curriculum

  • NCCER Electrical Level 1 Curriculum

  • KYTrack Pre Apprenticeship
