Emily Hurst-Jones

Emily Hurst-Jones

Home Hospital Coordinator


Phone: 502-869-8113

Fax: 502-921-9467

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Home Hospital

Every student deserves the opportunity to excel at their highest level – but sometimes obstacles hinder the traditional educational experience. The Home Hospital Program services students who are unable to attend school in-person for five consecutive days or longer, serving as a liaison between BCPS schools and home. This program aims to ensure students stay caught up with the work being administered in their classes, as well as helping to build customer service between parents/guardians and BCPS schools, teachers, and administration.

Often referred to as Homebound, the Home Hospital program is a service to students who are unable to attend  school for five consecutive days or longer due to medical reasons.  The Home Hospital teacher serves as a liaison between participating students and their classroom teachers.  Assignments are gathered and presented to students at two visits each week with one hour of instruction each visit.

The Home Hospital program is to be used on a limited basis until the child has been released to go back to school.  The medical condition must be verified by an application completed and signed by a doctor appropriate to the student's medical condition.  The application can be found in the Quick Links section below.