Here in BCPS, we are dedicated to creating authentic learning experiences for all of our students. Authentic learning goes beyond traditional educational methods by engaging students in real-world projects and experiences that help prepare them to succeed in life.
Many teaching strategies fit under the umbrella of authentic learning, including things like Project Based Learning, our Graduate Profile Competencies, and the Community-Based Accountability Model we are working to build, among others. Here in BCPS, our Graduate Profile defines what we want our students to achieve, while authentic learning is the key to making it happen. These approaches provide every student with opportunities to showcase their unique skills and talents, ensuring that every student can shine.
In the spirit of Shared Accountability, our principals and other administrators recently participated in "Learning Walks" throughout the district. During these walks, these instructional leaders visited each other's schools to observe and learn from authentic learning practices in action. This experience allowed our administrators to gain valuable insights and ideas from each other for implementing authentic learning concepts in their own schools.
Each school's instructional leaders began their Learning Walk by discussing their building’s current status, highlighting areas of success, and identifying areas for improvement. They then visited classrooms to observe teachers and students in action. After the classroom visits, the team reconvened to share their celebrations and insights, offering ideas for continued improvement and support. The looks of pride on our principals’ faces as they were able to show off the great things happening in their buildings were priceless.
“You were real, humble, and open to growth,” Dr. Rachelle Bramlage-Schomburg, BCPS’ Director of Secondary Education, told our principals involved in these Learning Walks. “I am incredibly excited for each of you and proud to call you my colleagues. It’s evident that our thoughts have shifted from the beginning of our Authentic Learning journey. At first, we were thinking, “How will we start?” but now, it’s, “How can we continue to support the growth?” This movement cannot happen without you!”
The journey toward truly authentic learning for every student in BCPS is a marathon, not a sprint, and we are committed to supporting growth at every level - from our schools to our classrooms. We celebrate the diversity of teaching styles in our district and are working to encourage and support our staff as they make incremental changes in their teaching that lead to significant improvements in the student experience in our district.
Amanda Clark, one of our district’s partners through PBLWorks, shared, “We thoroughly enjoyed visiting each of your schools and celebrating all of the ways that you are creating authentic learning experiences for your students. You have so much to be proud of in BCPS!”
Our next step as a district is to continue to review the feedback from these Learning Walks in order to keep all our staff moving forward toward our shared goal.
As we celebrate the progress our staff and students are making toward authentic learning, we are excited about the future and we invite you to join us in celebrating the steps made along this journey. Follow us on our website and social media platforms for updates on how we are continuing to shape authentic learning experiences here in BCPS!
Check out photos from these learning walks here: