Wrestling Team Shoutout!! #WeAreBC
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
Student shoutout! #WeAreBC
Student Shoutout! #WeAreBC
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
Staff Shoutout! #WeAreBC
Student Shoutout! #WeAreBC
The band and choir winter concert will be December 18 at 7:00pm in the BC auditorium. We would love for you to join us!
Students and Families,
Please see below for this week's Cougar News for important information and upcoming events:
Have a great weekend! #ExpectMore #WeAreBC
Are you overloaded with cozy clothes? Consider decluttering and bringing your cozy things like sweaters, socks, gloves, etc. to BCHS! If you have any questions please contact kirsten.pelfrey@bullitt.kyschools.us.
If you're a volunteer, we thank you! If you would like to volunteer, reach out to a school close to you! Today we are celebrating all the volunteers in our community! #WeAreBC
This month we are celebrating our Foreign Language staff! #WeAreBC
Get excited about Computer Science week! #WeAreBC
Join us in celebrating our Special Education teachers for National Special Education day! #WeAreBC
Students and Families,
Please see below for Cougar News 12/1 for important information and upcoming events:
Have a great weekend! #WeAreBC
Please join us in congratulating these choir students on making All State Choir! #WeAreBC
Attention Senior Families:
Please check your email to view links about yearbooks! You won't want to miss out on this opportunity. If you have any questions please email Mr. Hooper at Charles.Hooper@bullitt.kyschools.us.