Happy New Year Everyone! As our break comes to a close I wanted to let you know that Dr. Bacon is closely monitoring the weather forecast. You will receive an email over the weekend IF there is a change to the beginning of the second semester. Stay warm and keep an eye on your email over the weekend.
An amazing fundraiser/gift opportunity!! You can join BJ's Wholesale Club (Outer Loop) for only $20! Memberships are typically $55 but with this promotion they will be $20.00 and for each membership sold using the code on the flier, Bullitt East receives $10.00. When joining you must reference our group promo code: 815002!!
As always thanks for Charger Nation and Merry Christmas!
The 2024 Yearbooks are in. Graduates can pick those up today and tomorrow during school at the front office during normal school hours. We will also hold a distribution on Dec. 27 from 8-12. After that, those books can be picked up when we return from break on January 7.
In addition, the 2025 book is on sale at Balfour.com. Get yours today for $70 before the price goes up on January 2.
A huge shout out and thank you to the infamous Sheila Newton for all the wonderful things she does for our school, teachers, staff and students!
Merry Friday!! Five more wake ups! https://tinyurl.com/mr3dn2c7
#ChargerNation #Unrivaled
Class is next week! Sign up now! It's free and a state requirement for new drivers.
A special Teacher & Student Shout Out for braving the cold this past weekend! #ChargerNation #Unrivaled
Staff & Teacher Shout Out! #ChargerNation #Unrivaled
Student Shout Outs! #ChargerNation #Unrivaled
A huge thank you to our incredible computer science teachers for Computer Science Education Week!
There will be a Boys' Tennis Parent/Player Meeting in the BE Library on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:30pm.
AP Biology students, Reagan Logsdon and Cooper Bass, conducting experiments. #ChargerNation #Unrivaled
Happy Friyay! Second to last newsletter before the holiday break! https://tinyurl.com/272wps8p
#ChargerNation #Unrivaled
Still time to sign up.
There will be a Boys' Tennis Parent/Player Meeting in the BE Library on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:30pm.
Charger Nation is celebrating "Learn a Foreign Language Month" by shouting out our amazing foreign language teachers!
Charger Newsletter - Thanksgiving Edition!! Have an amazing holiday weekend!! https://tinyurl.com/3jcu2bxt
Shout Out to our VIP poster students!!! #ChargerNation #Unrivaled