Uganda students with water system

Bernheim Middle School received news from the Uganda Water Project updating us on our continued impact in Uganda.

Dear Bernheim Middle School:

I have some wonderful news to share with you. Remember that fantastic Wavemaker Initiative clean water campaign you did in the fall? Your impact is STILL going! The second rainwater system you sponsored has been installed!

Because of your support, 658 MORE students and teachers now have access to abundant, safe water right near their school! That brings your total impact up to 850 people getting clean water because of BMS 6th graders. You just can't be stopped!

We're so grateful that you chose to partner with the Ugandan Water Project to give water and give life to these schools for years to come. Once again, the linked impact report is below, where you'll find all the goods about where this water solution was implemented:
Maya Hillside Junior School - UWP #1209
(The first community you impacted was St. Jude Junior School - UWP #1278 )

If anyone needs a refresher, my video that will walk you through the report is here . 

(Remember- the photos in these reports won't always show up in some browsers like Safari, so we recommend using Chrome!)

You have helped transform so many lives through this project, and we want the students to know how awesome they are. Please share this information with your friends, family members, and the community that joined you in making this incredible impact. We're excited to be one day closer to celebrating the end of Uganda's water crisis because of you.

With gratitude from everyone on the UWP team,



Director of Community Partnerships
Ugandan Water Project
Helping you end Uganda's water crisis once and for all.

We are so proud of our BMS community!