By-Law Number: 1.0
Policy Responsibilities: The council shall set policy on:
- Determination of curriculum, including needs assessment and curriculum development
- Assignment of all instructional and non-instructional staff time.
- Assignment of students to classes and programs within the school.
- Determination of the schedule of the school day and week, subject to the beginning and ending times of the school day and school calendar year as established by the local board.
- Determination of the use of school space during the school day.
- Planning and resolution of issues regarding instructional practices.
- Selection and implementation of discipline and classroom management techniques, including responsibilities of the student, parent, teacher, counselor, and principal.
- Selection of extracurricular programs and policies relating to student participation based on academic qualifications, attendance requirements, program evaluation and supervision.
- Procedures for determining alignment with state standards, technology utilization, and program appraisal. Council policy on this issue must be consistent with board policy.
- Facilitating participation of interested persons, including, but not limited to, classified employees and parents and shall include the number of committees, their jurisdiction, composition, and the process for membership selection.
- Procedures to assist the council with consultation in the selection of personnel by the principal, including but not limited to, meetings, timelines, interviews, review of written applications, and review of references. Procedures shall address situations in which members of the council are not available for consultation.
- Other issues are to provide an environment to enhance students’ achievement and to meet the goals set by KRS 158.645 and 6451. If the council makes a policy that fits this area but not any of the areas listed in 1-11 above, that policy must be consistent with board policy.
OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES: The council could also:
- Determine the number of persons to be employed in each job classification at the school.
- Determine which textbooks shall be used at the school.
- Determine which instructional materials shall be used at the school.
- Determine what student support services shall be provided in the school.
- Determine the professional development to be paid for out of the council’s allocation.
- Adopt a school improvement plan that meets the requirements set in board policy.
- Select a new principal for the school.
- Consult with the principal before he or she selects persons to fill other school vacancies.
- Each school council shall annually review test data on its students’ performance and adopt a plan to ensure that each student makes progress toward Kentucky’s Learner Goals.
- Carry out any other responsibilities assigned to the council board policy or state law.
The council shall not:
- Recommend the transfer or dismissal of any member of the school staff.
- Violate federal or state law or regulations.
- Take any action that unreasonably risks the health or safety of students, staff, or others.
- Take any action that exposes the council or district to unreasonable risk of legal liability.
- Authorize any purchase that exceeds the financial resources available to it.
- Take any action that violates contractual obligations already made by the district or the council to personnel and other providers of goods and services.
- Exceed the responsibilities given to the council by state law or board policy.
COUNCIL MEMBERS RESPONSIBILITIES: Duties of an elected member include:
- Knowing and adhering to the mission, philosophy and goals of Eastside Middle School and the Bullitt County Board of Education.
- Attending all council meetings, both regular and special.
- Encouraging and requesting opinions from their respective constituencies.
- Supporting, promoting, and communicating council decisions.
- Seeking information independently and as needed about issues brought before the council, and bringing information to the council.
The principal shall be the chairperson of the council and the duties shall include but are not limited to:
- Conducting school council meetings.
- Compiling and distributing the agenda for council meetings.
- Serving as official custodian of council records.
- Stating when a consensus is present for the record.
- Coordinating standing and ad-hoc committees.
- Carrying out additional responsibilities as stated in these by-laws.
- Maintaining a file of all correspondence addressed to the council.
- Other duties as described in these by-laws.
3/21/06 4/20/06 4/20/06 BF
Policy Amended
1st READING: 3/16/15 2ND READING: 4/22/15 APPROVED DATE: 4/22/15 TW
By-Law 2.0
Policy Area: By-Laws
Policy Title: Elections
Policy Statement:
Council composition, terms of office, elections, vacancies, leaves of absences and training.
The membership of the Eastside Middle School Council shall consist of three teachers, two parents, and the Principal of the school. The principal will serve as Chairperson.
Qualifications: Teacher council members must hold a position at Eastside Middle School that requires a state certificate and must not hold the position of principal or assistant principal.
Nominations: Any teacher may nominate himself / herself, or another teacher member by signing a letter of nomination and submitting it to the principal or her designee. Any teacher running for a seat on the council will need to sign the letter of nomination stating that he or she is willing to serve on the council and understands the training requirements for said position if elected.
Ballot: The BCEA school level representative or person elected by the Council shall prepare a ballot form that lists the names of all those nominated, willing and eligible to serve on the council and will distribute that ballot to all teachers at Eastside Middle School. After the predetermined deadline, no additional names shall be added to the ballot.
Voting: Teacher elections shall be held prior to the last day of school. At the time of elections all teachers shall convene together and submit their completed ballot to Eastside Middle School’s BCEA representative or Council designee. In the event that the BCEA representative or Council designee is running for election, the faculty will by open vote, choose an alternative representative to count the ballots. The ballots shall be counted by no fewer than two representatives and the results of the election shall be announced before the teachers adjourn. The persons receiving the largest number of votes on the ballot shall serve as a council members starting on July 1st of the upcoming school year. Teachers may only vote for those listed on the ballot and they may only vote for three candidates.
Parent elections shall be held in accordance with regulations set forth by the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990. Elections shall be held in May of each year.
PARENT MEMBERSHIP - QUALIFICATIONS. Parent members must be the parent, step-parent, or foster parent of a child who will be enrolled at the school during one’s term of office. Legal guardians are also considered parents if the child lives with them Three groups of parents may not serve on the council:
1. Parents who are employees of Eastside Middle School.
2. Parents who are employees in-the district administrative offices.
3. Parents who are members of or related to members of the district school board.
PARENT-ELECTIONS: Shall be conducted by the parent organization no later than the end of May. The parents of all children enrolled at the school or preregistered to attend next year may vote. The principal shall assist the parents with the elections. The parent organization shall notify the current council of the names of those elected, the original ballots and a summary of how the election was conducted
LENGTH OF TERM FOR ALL MEMBERS* The elected members of the Council shall serve a one (1) year term They may serve more than one (1) term provided they meet the qualifications for membership set forth in the by laws.
* Council members shall serve from July 1 of a school year until June 30 of the same school year.
* Vacancies:
A. Members who miss three (3) meetings without prior Council approval shall vacate their council membership. The Council shall give notice within one (1) week of such vacancy to the member absent after their third (3) absence.
B. When a vacancy occurs because of an unexpired term, it shall be filled by a special election as set forth by the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990 and the Bullitt County Board of Education Policy on School Based Councils; with the exception that a vacancy in the position of principal which shall be filled as set forth by the Kentucky Education reform Act of 1990 and the Bullitt County Board of Education Policy on School Based Councils.
* Members may request a Leave of Absence from the Council by first submitting such a request to the council in writing at least two (2) weeks before the date of leave. The council in turn shall act upon such a request by consensus and forward it to the Bullitt County Board of Education for their information.
* Vacancies caused by removal from office:
A member who violates the standards of conduct and does not submit a written resignation from the council could be reprimanded or removed by one of the following ways:
*The Commissioner of Education can recommend removal of a council member for immorality, misconduct in office, incompetence, willful neglect of duty, or nonfeasance, and then the local board of education holds a hearing into the charges to decide whether removal is warranted.
*The Office of Educational Accountability can investigate claims of intentional interference with school-based decision making. If OEA cannot resolve the issue, it is forwarded to the Ky. Board of Ed. which holds a hearing to determine whether the charges are valid.
The first time the Ky. Board finds a person guilty of such interference, the person will receive a reprimand. The second time, the person can be removed from office.
TRAINING FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS. shall be provided as set forth in the Bullitt County Board of Education Policy on School Based Councils.
All members must receive training as required by the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990 and the Bullitt County Board of Education Policy on School Based Councils.
Council training shall be provided annually.
NEW MEMBERS. Members elected for the first time shall complete at least six hours of training in the process of school-based decision making no later than 30 days after the start of their terms. They can get that training anytime between the date they are elected and the 30 day deadline. This training must be provided by a person endorsed by the Ky. Department of Education for new member training.
EXPERIENCED MEMBERS. Members who have served on a council before shall complete at least three hours of training in the process of school-based decision making no later than 120 days after the start of their terms. They can get that training up to one year before the 120 day deadline. The training must be provided by a person endorsed by the KDE experienced member training.
MID-YEAR VACANCIES. Members who are elected to fill a vacant position in the middle of the year shall complete the required training no more than 30 days after they are elected from a person with appropriate endorsement from the KDE.
3/21/06 4/20/06 4/20/06 BF
1st reading 2nd reading Approved 9/20/12
AMENDED on 5-14-12
By Law 3.0
Policy Area: By-Laws
Policy Title: Meetings
Policy Statement:
* Council meeting dates shall be determined at the first meeting following the Council training dates. Meetings will last for a maximum of two (2) hours and shall adjourn at the close of business or promptly at the end of the allotted time.
* The meeting dates and times shall be recorded in the minutes of the SBDM Council by the September meeting of each year.
* Notice of Council meetings shall be provided to parents, staff, and the public at least one (1) of the following ways: school newsletter, school memos, notes to parents, reports to staff, and notice in the local newspaper on a monthly basis.
• All Council meetings shall be open to the public except when personnel, legal issues affecting the Council or rights of privacy issues are under consideration. Under one (1) or more of these conditions the Council may go into executive session also known as closed session. For the Council to go into a closed session, the chair must make an announcement in open session. The chair or another member of the council must make a motion to go into closed session to discuss the business mentioned in the announcement, and the majority of members must vote for that motion.
During the closed session, only the business stated in the announcement can be discussed.
After full discussion, the council must return to open session because all decisions made by the Council shall be made in open public meeting. The Council shall abide by all state open meeting laws (KRS 61.805, 1cRS 61.810, and ERS 61.815)
3/21/06 4/20/06 4/20/06 BF
1st reading 2nd reading Approved Date: 8/20/12
By Law 3.1
Policy Area: By-Laws
Policy Title: Special Meetings
Policy Statement:
If the council needs to meet before its next regular meeting, the principal may call a special meeting. Once the decision is made to call a special meeting, the following steps must be taken:
1) Written Notice must be given. The notice must contain the date, time and location of the special meeting and the agenda for the meeting. Issues not listed on the agenda can not legally be discussed at the special meeting.
2. Delivery of Notice. The principal or his/her designee is responsible for notifying every council member and local media outlets. The notice can be sent home, mailed, faxed or e-mailed, but the method of delivery must allow the notice to arrive at least 24 hours before the time set for the meeting.
3. Posting of Notice. The notice must be posted at the school and also at the location (if different than Eastside Middle School) where the meeting will be held.
3/21/06 4/20/06 4/20/06 BF
1st reading 2nd reading Approved Date: 8/20/12
Policy Amended
1st READING: 3/16/15 2ND READING: 4/22/15 APPROVED DATE: 4/22/15 TW
By Law 4.0
Policy Area: By-Laws
Policy Title: Agendas and Minutes and Open Records Policy Statement:
*Preliminary Agendas will be prepared by the chairperson or his/her designee after consultation with the council and provided to all Council members in a timely manner. Items may be added to the agenda provided they fall within SBDM scope and authority and are submitted in writing to the chairperson by three days prior to the Council meeting. Additional items may only be added to the agenda by Council members' vote of consensus.
Agendas shall be provided to all those who attend the meetings.
Setting the final agenda shall be the first order of business at each council meeting. At Special meetings, the council may not add items to the agenda listed in the special meeting notice, but may subtract items if it chooses to.
*The structure of the agenda shall consist of the following:
- Welcome Visitors
- Approve Agenda
- Approve Minutes
- Public Comment
*Minutes - The chairperson or his/her designee, shall take minutes that state accurately each motion made and the action taken on it by the council
The chairperson is responsible for having the minutes typed up in a timely manner after each meeting and shall:
- Prepare a typed copy of the minutes.
- Attach copies of any policy, budget, by-law, amendment, or other document approved by the council
- Send copies to each member of the council and the Superintendent
- Place the original in the official binder of council minutes.
*Approval of Minutes. At the next meeting, the council shall review the minutes. If amendments are needed, they shall be recorded in the minutes of that next meeting. After amendments, the council shall approve the minutes, which will then become available for public inspection.
*Open Records
Any person who wishes to see the binder of council documents may do so during normal office hours. Persons who want copies of documents in the binder shall give the principal a written statement of the items they wish to copy. The principal, as official records custodian, shall make the documents available within three business days after the request unless the records are subject to a specific exception of the Open Records Law. The fee for copies shall be .25 cents per page.
11-21-11 12-12-11 12-12-11 BF
1st reading 2nd reading Approved/Date 8/26/13
Policy Amended
1st READING: 3/16/15 2ND READING: 4/22/15 APPROVED DATE: 4/22/15 TW
By Law 5.0
Policy Area: By-Laws
Policy Title: Adoption and Review of Policy
Policy Statement:
* The Eastside Middle School Council shall be responsible for adopting policies governing the Council. All policies must conform to Bullitt County Board of Education Policies and state statutes. However, policies not restricted by school board policy or state laws may be adopted by the council.
* The Eastside Middle School Council shall annually review, amend, and change policy as circumstances deem necessary.
* Policy shall be enacted after the second reading.
* The Eastside Middle School Council shall meet as a ‘committee as a whole’ to review policy.
11/21/11 12/12/11 12/12/11 BF
1st reading 2nd reading Approved/Date 8/20/12
Policy Amended
1st READING: 3/16/15 2ND READING: 4/22/15 APPROVED DATE: 4/22/15 TW
By Law 6.0
Policy Area: By-Law
Policy Title: Amendments and Appeals Policy Statement:
*Adjustments to these by-laws may be presented by any council member in writing to the chairperson of the council. Once received, amendments will be read at the next regular meeting of the council. No action shall be taken on an amendment at its first reading. After its first reading an amendment must lay over until the next council meeting before it is read for the second time. Once read for the second time an amendment may be adopted at any regular council meeting. Adoption shall be by consensus.
The Board of Education has established a process of appeals of council decisions, and a copy of that process is attached to this policy.
10/10/11 11/21/11 11/21/11 BF
1st reading 2nd reading Approved/Date 8/20/12
By Law 7.0
Policy Area: By-Laws
Policy Title: Decision Making Method
Policy Statement:
* The primary method of making decision shall be by consensus. Effort shall be made to thoroughly discuss all possible alternatives, provide every member ample opportunity to be heard and make a final decision that can be supported by the group.
* Action to adopt policy shall lay over one (1) meeting between readings and may only be adopted after a second reading.
* If a consensus cannot be reached on an item that must be resolved in order to insure the continued operation of the school, then a decision by majority rule requiring a 2/3 Vote shall be called for or, if time permits, the item will be tabled until the next SBDM meeting so members can research the topic. The SBDM Council always reserves the right to call for a committees input/recommendation on any item.
11/21/11 12/12/11 12/12/11 B.F
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVED/DATE 8/20/12
By Law 8.0
Policy Area: By-Laws
Policy Title: Quorum
Policy Statement:
A quorum for any Council meeting shall be a majority of the Council with at least two (2) teachers, one (1) parent and the Principal present.
This requirement shall not apply when there is a vacancy in the position of Principal and the meeting is to fill that vacancy. In order for the necessary business of the Council to continue, a co-chairman shall be selected via consensus from the existing members of the Council. In addition, an acting or interim Principal may be appointed by the superintendent and shall serve to assist the Council in its duties.
If a member of the current Council is a candidate for the Principal’s position or any personnel position being discussed, the member shall not vote or meet with the Council concerning the vacancy.
12/12/11 1/23/12 1/23/12 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVED/DATE 8/20/12
By Law 9.0
Policy Area: By-Laws
Policy Title: Recognition of Speakers
Policy Statement:
Those who are in attendance at the Council meetings shall be provided an opportunity to discuss issues under consideration by the Council
- The person, as a committee member, is reporting to the Council on business of that committee.
- The person is speaking on a matter germane to the topic within the authority of the Council and has notified the Chairperson in writing one week prior to the meeting for which he/she requests to be placed on the agenda.
- The person has been duly recognized by the Chairperson.
Speakers shall be afforded five minutes for such presentations to the council. This time may be expanded at the discretion of the Council.
11/21/11 12/12/11 12/12/12 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVED/DATE 8/20/12
Policy Amended
1st READING: 3/16/15 2ND READING: 4/22/15 APPROVED DATE: 4/22/15 TW
Policy Number: 1.0
Policy Title: Determination of Curriculum
Curriculum responsibilities
Policy Statement
*Curriculum shall be defined as all experiences provided by the school to help students develop academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. Curriculum includes both what is taught and how it is organized for delivery. (THIS POLICY SHALL INTERFACE WITH POLICY 2.0 INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES)
The curriculum for Eastside Middle School will be in continual review by specified core content PLCs in order to maintain continual alignment with the Kentucky Academic Standards
- The PLCs shall be made up of core content teachers and/or consultants and shall be responsible for the following:
- Teaching and learning are collaborative processes. Teachers and students will work together to ensure high quality learning experiences occur each day in the classroom.
- Teachers will work with colleagues to develop, implement, and monitor a guaranteed, viable curriculum that all students have access to.
- Teachers will use “best practices” to ensure that students learn the skills and concepts at the appropriate level of rigor as outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards. Teachers will use assessments for learning to guide and modify instruction as well as evaluate student progress towards mastery of standards.
- The Principal after discussing and receiving input from staff members shall assign staff for the following school year.
- The principal will assign staff according to teaching certification, qualifications, background experience, and the student/school needs as related to the total curricular program.
- The Principal shall also seek input from assigned staff regarding team teaching options and/or groupings. Decisions will be based on all input received.
- The Principal shall also seek input from the SBDM Council.
- The Principal shall review the assignments with the Council once made.
- This policy shall comply with Bullitt County Board of Education Policy and the current contract between the Bullitt County Board of Education and the Bullitt County Education Association.
- Student assignment shall be defined as appropriate placement of individual students through a joint collaborative effort consisting of the principal, the counselor, and teachers within a grade level.
- As new students enroll during the school year, the counselor shall be responsible for assigning each student based on what is in the best interest of the student.
- This policy will be consistent with the Bullitt County Board of education policies, the Kentucky state laws and regulations.
- Bell Schedule
- Planning Period and Exploratory periods
- Lunch schedule
- Assembly Schedule
- Early Departure
- Delayed Start
- Early Release Days
- This policy will be consistent with the Bullitt County Board of education policies, the Kentucky state laws and regulations.
- The Eastside Middle School SBDM Council has determined that school space use will be delegated to the principal.
- The principal will consult with the appropriate affected parties as needed in the decision-making process prior to making a recommendation to the Council.
- This policy will be consistent with the Bullitt County Board of education policies, the Kentucky state laws and regulations.
- This policy will be consistent with the Bullitt County Board of education policies, the Kentucky state laws and regulations.
- The Eastside Middle School SBDM Council has delegated this function to the principal or her/his designee.
- Parents and community members shall be selected from those interested.
- Committee Responsibilities
- Term
- Decision Making
- Quorum
- Meetings
- Engage in three categories of writing:
- Experience authentic, meaningful writing at all grade levels by:
- Experience the following writing process at all grade levels:
- Experience writing in both
- Students shall be provided with opportunities to write as a natural outcome of the content being studied in all curriculum areas.
- Teachers and students shall use readings as models for student writing by reading and analyzing a variety of print and non-print materials (e.g., 2D and 3D artwork, photographs, electronic text, graphics, illustrations, web images, maps, multimedia) that include
A. Alignment of Eastside Middle School curriculum with the common core standards.
B. Designing and evaluating authentic assessment techniques used by teachers.
C. Setting priorities for improving curriculum
11/16/06 1/4/07 1-4-07 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Most recent review date: 5/8/18
Policy Number: 2.0
Policy Area: Instructional Practices
In order to provide an environment where all students perform to their potential and are prepared for their future, Eastside Middle School supports the following:
See KASC document
Our instructional will be guided by the following:
- Positive learning Culture
- Understanding of the science of learning
- Communication with families
Over the course of a unit of study, Eastside students shall:
- Receive appropriate, meaningful, and timely feedback.
- Work with other students in pairs, small groups, or “think tank” teams.
- Do hands on activities.
- Use appropriate technology.
- Have multiple opportunities to demonstrate a variety of communication skills.
- Have choice/voice in how to demonstrate what they have learned.
- Utilize literacy practices for reading materials with a purpose in mind.
- Read and write in all content areas.
- Do constructed responses (e.g. ERQs, ORQs and On-Demand writing).
- Utilize graphic organizers for higher level thinking.
- Use scoring guides and rubrics.
- Use multiple resources other than a textbook or worksheet.
- Be exposed to real-life examples that relate to content areas.
Over the course of a unit of study, Eastside teachers should:
- Use the Kentucky Academic Standards to plan, deliver, and assess content at the appropriate level.
- Work within PLC’s to design common assessments, to analyze the results, and build proficiency plans/RTI plans.
- Work within PLC’s to determine appropriate instructional strategies and modifications from data generated by MAP assessments and common assessments.
- Use clear LEARNING TARGETS based on Kentucky Academic Standards that are written in student friendly language.
- Use activities where all students use higher-order thinking and problem- solving skills.
- Assign tasks similar to those used for state and national assessments.
- Provide opportunities for students to connect their learning to other topics and subjects and real-life practical applications.
- Use a variety of student-centered, differentiated instructional strategies to address various learning styles.
- Use technology for appropriate and varied learning activities and to extend the classroom into the community and world.
- Provide students with opportunities to evaluate their performance and use specific feedback to reflect on and improve their performance (e.g. Assessments for learning).
Throughout the course of the year, the principals shall:
- Ensure that these instructional principles and guidelines are being implemented by monitoring on a regular basis using both formal and informal evaluative processes.
- Support full implementation of PLC’s.
- Participate in and monitor the implementation and effectiveness of PLC’s.
- Identify teachers that are in need of assistance in meeting these guidelines and then provide support to enhance the teacher’s ability to be successful.
- Encourage PD that supports the implementation of this policy.
- ●This policy will be consistent with the Bullitt County Board of education policies, the Kentucky state laws and regulations.
4-13-10 5-17-10 5-17-10 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
1st READING: 4/22/15/15 2ND READING: 5/12/15 APPROVED DATE: 5/12/15 TW
Policy Number: 3.0
Policy Area: Staffing Policies
Policy Statement
11/16/06 1/4/07 1-4-07 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Policy Number 4.0
Policy Number: 4.0
Policy Area: Student Assignment
Policy Statement
Student assignment shall be made based on what is in the best interest of the individual child. Placement of exceptional children shall be made based on specific programming needs and individual student needs.
11/16/06 1/4/07 1-4-07 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Policy Number 5.0
Policy Area: School Schedule
Policy Statement
The principal or their designee will develop a recommended Master Schedule to include the following, when applicable:
The schedule will be designed to best implement the CSIP plan and school curriculum. The Council shall consider all input and make a recommendation for approval of a master schedule each year.
All other school or extra activities during the school day must be approved by the Principal or their designee.
All other school or extra activities to be held after the school day must be approved by the Principal or their designee.
Priorities of times and space will be given to student academic activities, extracurricular activities, school related clubs, SBDM and related activities, parent and booster support groups, District wide school activities and community service organizations.
All use of the building and grounds by outside groups shall be in accordance with Bullitt County Policy.
11/16/06 1/4/07 1-4-07 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Policy Amended
1st READING: 4/22/15 2ND READING: 5/12/15 APPROVED DATE: 5/12/15 TW
Policy Number: 6.0
Policy Area: School Space Use
See KASC document
Policy Statement
This policy will be consistent with the Bullitt County Board of education policies, the Kentucky state laws and regulations.
11/16/06 1/4/07 1-4-07 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Policy Number: 7.0
Policy Area: Discipline and Classroom Management
Eastside Middle School / SBDM Discipline Policy
The goal of the faculty, staff and administration at Eastside Middle School is to create and maintain a safe, orderly, and positive learning environment by implementing a system of school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports. These interventions and supports will be of a positive, proactive, and instructional nature. Through identification, adoption, implementation, monitoring, and sustained use of research-validated behavior practices, the faculty, staff, and administration will provide EMS students with the opportunity to become self-disciplined, responsible, and productive citizens.
Research-Validated Practices will include:
- A common approach to discipline;
- Three to five positively stated expectations for all students and staff;
- Procedures to teach the school-wide expectations;
- Procedures to encourage responsible behavior;
- Procedures to discourage irresponsible behavior;
- Use of data to monitor and evaluate progress and effectiveness
PBIS Lesson Plans/Schedule
Lesson plans for teaching the defined school-wide expectations will be created and distributed to all staff members at the beginning of each school year. Teachers will use these lesson plans to teach the EMS behavior expectations at the beginning of each school year. Additionally, when there has been a break in instruction (extended weekends, holidays, snow days, fall break, winter break, spring break, etc.), the school-wide expectations will be reviewed with students upon their return to school the next day.
Behavior Data Analysis
The KYCID committee will meet monthly to analyze the behavioral data. The committee will then share the Behavioral data that does not violate confidentiality and will be shared with the faculty and staff each month.
Yearly Review
At the beginning of each school year, a designated committee will review the system of school-wide positive behavior interventions and support with new and returning faculty and staff members.
A goal regarding the development of a safe and orderly learning environment will be included in the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan each year.
1-23-12 _ 2-13-12 2-13-12 B. Franklin
1ST reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Most recent review date: 5/8/18
Policy Amended
1st READING: 4/22/15 2ND READING: 5/12/15 APPROVED DATE: 5/12/15 TW
Policy Number: 8.0
Policy Area: Extracurricular Programs
Policy Statement:
Extracurricular programs are any activities conducted during non-instructional time.
The Eastside Middle School SBDM Council has delegated this function to the principal or her/his designee.
11/16/06 1/4/07 1-4-07 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Policy Number 9.0
Policy Area: Standards Alignment, Technology Use, and Program Appraisal
Standard alignment
Technology use
Program appraisal
Policy Statement
11/16/06____1/4/07 1-4-07 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Policy Number: 10.0
Policy Area: Personnel decisions at the school level - Consultation on Hiring
Policy Statement:
* For the purpose of this policy, the definition of “Vacancy” is one of the following:
A. A position that did not previously exist but which can now be funded
B. A position previously held by an employee who has now left the school
C. A position held by an employee who has made a written statement that he or she will leave the school.
From a list of qualified applicants submitted by the superintendent, the principal shall select personnel to fill vacancies, after consultation with the council.
The superintendent shall provide additional applicants to the principal upon request when qualified applicants are available.
* The Council shall be consulted about the principal’s selection of personnel to fill all non-principal school-based vacancies that occur at the school.
The Council delegates to the principal the responsibility to formulate a committee for the purpose of interviewing qualified applicants. The committee shall be afforded the opportunity to consult with the principal and give input regarding the applicants that are selected for interview. The principal shall develop a set of appropriate interview questions and criteria for the interview sessions. The committee may also review any application material received from the Superintendent.
* The Principal shall consider all discussion and any specific recommendations, but shall make the final selection. Either the Principal alone or the council by consensus may ask the Superintendent to provide additional names for consideration for any vacancy.
The Principal will follow appropriate district policy procedures for making the recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools.
If the vacancy to be filled is the position of principal, the outgoing principal shall not serve on the council during the principal selection process. The superintendent or the superintendent’s designee shall serve as the chair of the council for the purpose of the hiring process and shall have voting rights during the selection process. The council shall have access to the applications of all persons certified for the position. The principal shall be elected on a majority vote of the membership of the council. No principal who has been previously removed from a position in the district for cause may be considered for appointment as principal.
The council shall receive training in recruitment and interviewing techniques prior to carrying out the process of selecting a principal. The council shall select the trainer to deliver the training.
11/16/06 1/4/07 1-4-07 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Policy number 11.0
Policy Area: Participation on Committees
Policy Statement:
- It will be the Council’s responsibility to activate any ad-hoc or standing committee deemed necessary on an as needed basis. In the event that a committee is activated the Council will first seek volunteers.
- In the event that volunteers are not forthcoming, it will be the duty of the Council to appoint members.
Ad Hoc Committees:
- The council may establish ad hoc committees and task forces as needed to research, report, and make recommendations on those areas for which the Council may assume responsibility.
- These shall be formed and dissolved by Council consensus.
- Committee members will be selected from among interested faculty, staff, parents, and community members.
- The Council also reserves the right to assign members to a specific committee if deemed necessary.
- All committees shall make timely and pertinent reports to the council. In addition, committees may be called before the council to report their progress.
- All committees may make recommendations to the council for changes in school policy as it pertains to the committee’s particular function.
- All committees shall be responsible for monitoring and evaluating its work and reporting back to the council as specified on their given timeline.
- Standing committee members shall be appointed for a term of one year.
- Ad Hoc Committee members shall serve until the Council deems that the assigned task is complete and dissolves the committee.
- All committee action and decisions shall be reached by consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, then a vote of the majority must be made. The results must be reported to the SBDM. A quorum must be present for a vote.
- A quorum consists of a majority of the appointed members.
- Meetings shall be held at times convenient to committee members. Special meetings may be called if at least 24-hour notice is provided to all committee members.
11/16/11____12/13/11 12/13/11 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading APPROVAL DATE Chairperson
Policy Number: 12.0
Policy Area: Additional Policy Topic
Textbooks – Instructional Material Selection
Policy Title: – Instructional Material Selection
(KRS 160.345 (2)(g)
Policy Statement:
Instructional materials selection shall be in line with the state list of approved vendors/publishers.
All instructional material selections shall be in line with the school’s current instructional goals and Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.
The Council has designated to the principal, the responsibility of activating the necessary curriculum and instructional practices committees to research and review appropriate instructional materials. The activated committee will consult with the principal and the council as necessary throughout the adoption/selection process and will make a recommendation to the council for approval.
11-16-06 1-4-07 1-4-07 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading approval date chairperson
Policy Number: 13.0
Policy Area: Additional Policy
Policy Title: Homework Policy
Policy Statement:
Homework may be assigned for the improvement of learning. Sufficient instruction in class should have taken place prior to any homework assignment being sent home.
Homework is not for busy work. Assignments should have meaning for the student, should be clear and specific, and should be of an amount and type that may be accomplished in a reasonable period of time.
Curriculum-related assignments shall not be used for disciplinary purposes.
Homework assignments shall be posted in a timely manner on the teacher web pages which are accessible via the Eastside Web page.
8-16-11 9-19-11 B. Franklin
1st reading 2nd reading chairperson
Policy Amended
1st READING: 4/22/15 2ND READING: 5/12/15 APPROVED DATE: 5/12/15 TW
Policy Number 14.0
Policy Area: Additional policy
Policy Title: GRADING POLICY & Late work/Make up work
Policy Statement:
Students are expected to turn work in on time. Assignments shall be posted on the web page so that all students can complete their work in the most timely fashion as possible. Board policy allows a student to have the number of days absent plus one to turn in make-up work, however, absent students are encouraged to complete work as posted on the web page in order to not fall behind.
Students with unexcused absences shall have the same opportunity to make up work per board policy 9.123.
Students that are suspended from school shall have the same opportunity to make up work per board policy 9.123.
When work is turned in on time, including makeup work due to an absence, the following grade scale will be utilized at Eastside Middle School:
90-100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
0 – 59 = F
Students that come to school without their homework completed may be assigned to an after school detention, an alternative placement to complete the missing work such as ISAP but not limited to ISAP, or a working lunch session where said student will be provided with a place to eat and work on their missing work.
8-16-11 9-19-11 9-19-11 B.Franklin
Policy Number 15.0
Revise or delete need SBDM approval
Policy Statement: In order to provide multiple opportunities to develop complex communication skills for a variety of purposes and use a variety of language resources, we will ensure that students:
We will ensure that students:
- Writing for a variety of purposes and audiences.
- Revealing student ownership and independent thinking.
- Allowing students to draw on their own experiences, learning, reading, and inquiry to complete writing tasks.
We will ensure that students:
- Planning
- Drafting
- Revising
- Editing
- Publishing and
- Reflecting upon writing.
We will ensure that students:
- On Demand
- Writing over time
- Persuasive
- Literary
- Informational and
- Practical/workplace materials
- Students shall learn about and use appropriate resources for writing that are driven by different instructional purposes and with different audiences for the student to consider. Examples include
- Teach higher order thinking skills
- Assign three categories of writing:
- Eastside will provide appropriate resources for writing that are driven by different instructional purposes and with different audiences for the student to consider. Examples include
- Personal interviews
- Observations
- Print materials
- Technology
To provide multiple opportunities for students to develop complex communication skills for a variety of purposes the Eastside teachers shall:
- Writing TO learn
- Writing to DEMONSTRATE LEARNING to the teacher
- Writing for PUBLICATION
- Provide authentic, meaningful writing opportunities at all grade levels which include:
- Eastside shall ensure that the writing process’ listed are being taught at all grade levels:
- Eastside teachers shall provide assignments for students that include:
- The expectation is that writing will be incorporated as a natural outcome of the content being studied in all curriculum areas.
- All teachers are to seek out ways to provide student opportunities to read and analyze a variety of print and non-print materials (e.g., 2D and 3D artwork, photographs, electronic text, graphics, illustrations, web images, maps, multimedia) that include:
- Writing for a variety of purposes and audiences.
- Providing students with opportunities to reveal ownership and independent thinking.
- Providing opportunities for students to draw from their own experiences, learning, readings and inquiry to complete writing tasks.
- Planning
- Drafting
- Revising
- Editing
- Publishing and
- Reflecting upon writing.
- On Demand
- Writing over time
- Persuasive
- Literary
- Informational and
- Practical/workplace materials
- Personal interviews
- Observations
- Print materials
- Technology
To ensure every student has a writing portfolio that includes samples of work that show interest and growth over time.
The principal shall:
- Charge the Language Arts PLC with the development of a written plan for implementing and monitoring writing portfolios.
- Ensure the plan includes guidelines for incorporating student and teacher use of technology tools.
- Ensure the implementation of the writing plan
- Ensure that the teachers receive professional development needed to improve writing instruction.
To ensure the writing process includes reflection, assessment, and feedback, the writing plan will incorporate:
- The use of the portfolio for determining student performance in communication.
- The procedures for reviewing the portfolio
- The procedures for grading the portfolio
- Guidelines for providing students feedback on the portfolio
- Opportunities for students to improve their writing and communication skills based on the portfolio feedback.
11-29-10 12-9-10 12-9-10
1ST reading 2nd reading approval date
Most recent review date: 5/8/18
Policy Amended
1st READING: 4/22/15 2ND READING: 5/12/15 APPROVED DATE: 5/12/15 TW
Policy Number 16.0
Policy Area: Emergency
STATUTORY AUTHORITY – KRS 160.345(2)(i)9 and KRS 158.162
The principal, or designee, in consultation with parents, teachers, other school staff, and local first responders, will collaboratively develop the school’s emergency management plan as a way to develop and document efforts to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. The emergency management plan will include procedures for fire, severe weather, earthquake, and building lockdown as specified in Kentucky statutes and regulations. The plan, which must be adopted by the council and implemented, will include, but not be limited to:
· Establishment of primary and secondary evacuation routes which must be posted in each room by each doorway used for evacuation;
· Identification of severe weather safe zones that have been reviewed by the fire marshal/fire chief, which must be posted in each room;
· Practices for students to follow in an earthquake;
· Development and adherence to access control measures for each school building, which may include (but not be limited to):
o Controlling access to exterior doors during the day
o Controlling front door access electronically or with a greeter
o Requiring visitor check-in with identification and purpose provided, and
o Display of visitor’s badge on outer clothing; and
· Practices for students to follow in in case of fire.
· Procedures for lockdown of the campus
Local law enforcement shall be invited to assist in establishing lockdown procedures.
Following adoption, the emergency plan and diagrams of the facilities will be provided to appropriate first responders. First responders, for the purpose of this policy, include local fire personnel, and local, county and/or state police personnel. Due to the need to maintain student and staff safety and security, the emergency plan and diagram of the facility will not be disclosed in response to any Open Records requests.
Prior to the first instructional day of school, the principal, or designee, will present and review all emergency procedures with all staff. Documentation including the time and date of the review will be kept on file at the school with a copy sent to the district office to document completion. Documentation may include methods such as a sign-in sheet that includes the printed name of each staff member (all certified and classified staff), the signature of the staff member and the date and time of the review.
Within the first thirty (30) instructional days of the school year and again during the month of January, the school will conduct one (1) severe weather drill, one (1) earthquake drill, and one building lockdown.
Fire drills will be conducted in accordance with timelines, procedures and requirements outlined in state regulations. Whenever possible, first responders shall be given notice of possible drills and invited to observe. The principal, or designee, is responsible for ensuring the implementation of these drills and reporting completion and problems noted during the drill to the district central office for any remedial action needed.
At the end of each school year, the emergency procedures are to be reviewed by the school council (or designated school council committee with report to the school council) and first responders and revised as needed.
Annually, the principal is responsible for working with the central office to ensure that all local first responders have a current diagram of the school that notes the primary and secondary evacuation routes, the severe weather safe zones and notations of the exterior and front entrance access points.
Completion will be reported to the council and documentation maintained in the principal’s office.
A comprehensive diagram of the school showing primary and secondary evacuation routes will be posted at each school doorway prior to the first instructional day of school. Identified severe weather safe zones which have been identified and reviewed by the local fire marshal or fire chief will be posted at each school doorway prior to the first instructional day of school.
This policy will be consistent with the Bullitt County Board of education policies, the Kentucky state laws and regulations.
10-30-13 10-31-13 10-31-13
1ST reading 2nd reading approval date
B. Franklin
Most recent review date: 5/8/18