Eastside Middle School is currently exploring and evaluating the curriculum resources. Eastside is looking at the following items for purchase:
Literacy Guided Reading Assessment- by Richardson and Walther. The purpose is to pinpoint students' reading levels and target instructional next steps. See link. This program will be bought through ESSER Instructional Funds.
Text books for the library- Features guided reading, leveled readers, and in general accelerates student’s cognitive development of literacy skills. Titles of the books include: Amari and the Great Game by Alston, The attacks of September by Tarshis, The Bad Guys in open Wide by Blabey, The bad Guys in the Other by Blabey, The Book Smugglers by James, Forever this summer by Youngblood, From the films of Harry by Revenson, The Great Chicago Fire by Hannigan, Growing Pangs by Ormsbee, Hide and Seeker by Hermon, Hooky. Volume 2 by Tur, I Survived the Wellington by Tarshis, The Lost Fairy Tales by James, The map of Stories by James, The national parks: pres by Koch, Squad Up by Nisson, Who was Leonardo da Vinci by Edwards, who was Michelangelo by Anderson, Who was Queen Elizabeth by Eding, Who was Queen Elizbeth I by Stine, Wings of fire by Duetsch, and Yo-Kai wach 19 by Konishi. These books will be purchased from ESSER Instructional Funds.
Should you have any questions or feedback about the textbooks please contact Ms. Thompson the school Librarian at kimberly.thompson@bullitt.kyschools.us or Ms. Echols at tabbi.echols@bullitt.kyschools.us about the Literacy Guided Reading Assessment.