For upcoming 6th graders, information on cross country at the North End middle schools is attached.
Today's color day is red! It's our last day of KSA testing. Please be on time and present! ♥️
Congratulations to our students with improved WIDA Access scores!
Right At School Before/After Care information
KSA testing continues today! Please be present and on time! Our color of the day is yellow!💛⭐️
Information on Headstart
KSA continues tomorrow for all students 3-5th grade! Please be present and on time! All students are encouraged to participate in our color themed week. Tomorrow's color is blue! 🩵💙
KSA continues tomorrow for all students 3-5th grade! Please be present and on time! All students are encouraged to participate in our color themed week. Tomorrow's color is pink! 💕💗
KSA continues tomorrow for all students 3-5th grade! Please be present and on time! All students are encouraged to participate in our color themed week. Tomorrow's color is green! 💚
KSA starts tomorrow for all students 3-5th grade! Please be present and on time! All students are encouraged to participate in our color themed week. Tomorrow's color is purple! 💜
Mrs.Coleman is collecting individually packaged snacks and waters/gatorades for our Field Day Snack Bar. When a student donates something, they are entered into a drawing for a scooter! Thanks for the support!
Multilingual Family Event Tonight!
Help us celebrate our color themed week during KSA!
Growing toward Kindergarten Event info!
KSA Testing Info!
Disney tickets still available for our Lion King Friday and Sunday shows!
Kids' Festival Details
There is no 1674 this afternoon, Wednesday, April 17.
March Patriots of the Month and Academic Excellence (part 3)
March Patriots of the Month and Academic Excellence (part 2)