Our Title 1 Science/Math Family Night is tomorrow, Wednesday, March 6 from 5-6:30 PM. The book fair will be open from 5-6 PM. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Some pictures from the 5th grade Idiom Parade!
We just found out 1718 is NOT running this afternoon. All students will be car riders unless someone reaches out to the front office.
Here are last month's Patriots of the Month and Academic Excellence Award recipients! (part 3)
Here are last month's Patriots of the Month and Academic Excellence Award recipients! (part 2)
Here are last month's Patriots of the Month and Academic Excellence Award recipients! (part 1)
5th Grade Parents attending the Figurative Language Parade may arrive at 1:45 PM on Friday, March 1. Please have ID ready.
Last day to order a Disney Lion King tshirt is tomorrow Feb. 29. Shirts are $14 up to XL, XX sizes are an extra $2 per X. If you need a form, please email Mrs.Tabler or Mrs.Berryman.
We're having a science and math family night on Wednesday, March 6 from 5-6:30 PM. Please RSVP with the QR code on the attached flyer. Book fair will be open from 5-6 PM.
Tomorrow is the last day to buy a yearbook!
Join us March 6 from 5-6:30 PM for our Science and Math Family Night. Please RSVP if you plan to attend with the QR code on the flier.
1718 update
Food from restaurants may not be brought in
to students for lunch. Students with special dietary
needs must have a letter from their doctor. We will
cooperate with parents to try to provide a nutritionally
balanced meal. Students bringing their lunch from home
may purchase their milk or juice from the cafeteria.
Carbonated beverages may not be brought to the
Maryville Chess Team won the K5 Kentucky State Blitz Chess Championship on Saturday! Blitz is basically speed Chess. This was a whole team effort and they did amazing! Here is a picture of our State Champs!
Hi families! Just a reminder that there is only ONE week left to order a yearbook. You can order by filling out the yearbook form that was sent home last week and sending in either $20 by cash or check, or you can order online through myschoolbucks.com. Let me know if you need a new form! Thank you!
Maryville is celebrating our Family Resource Center Coordinator this week! (It was technically last week too, but counselors and FRC coordinators deserve each their own week!) We're so thankful to have Ms.Ashley Eskridge!
Our 5th grade students will be going on a field trip on March 19th, 2024 to JA Biztown in Downtown Louisville. We are in need of parent volunteers for this field trip. We will need you at JA Biztown from 8:45AM-1:45PM. If you would like to sign up to volunteer please fill out the information below. Please contact Mrs. Ashley if you are able to join! 502-869-2412 or ashley.eskridge@bullitt.kyschools.us
Yearbook order forms are coming home today. Sales will be through Myschoolbucks as well as cash and check when we return to school. Payments must be made with the orders. Sales are from 2/12-2/26.
We love Mrs. Nicoulin so much! These are some insights of what she's accomplished so far since August! Happy School Counselors' Week to our sweet friend in the building!
Happy School Counselor's week to our kind and caring counselor Mrs.Nicoulin! We're so thankful to have you at Maryville! Your calm and loving presence is so appreciated!