Overdale Elementary School is currently exploring and evaluating the curriculum/resources below. Should you have any feedback or questions, please contact Tonya Holt at tonya.holt@bullitt.kyschools.us or at (502)869-2800.

Overdale ES is currently looking at the following items to purchase:

Character Strong - Click here for more information.  This program provides a research based curriculum that is focused on developing thoughtful, healthy, and kind human beings while focusing on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. 

Centervention (SEL):  About Centervention usage and benefits for students and teachers: https://www.centervention.com/sel-interventions/ 

Research studies for Centervention usage for social emotional learning: https://www.centervention.com/social-emotional-learning-research-studies/ 

Centervention is an online, research-based, social emotional learning program for students that personalizes what they are working on based on their needs identified in the program. It automatically gives you reports on what areas the students may have deficits. The program also has premade SEL lessons that correspond to the lessons being taught in the online program.  (Review 9/1 - 9/15, 2023)

Pioneer Valley (K-3)-- Pioneer Valley provides quality books, quality materials, and science-backed instruction. Their collection of books includes decodable books, natural language-based/leveled books, lap books with rhymes and songs, graphic novels, and award-winning fiction and nonfiction books designed to engage and support all readers. 

The books have engaging plots and/or interesting information, and also are developmentally appropriate, with factors that include linguistic complexity, sentence and passage length, font, and carefully calibrated proportion of word difficulty. (Review 8/29//2023 - 9/12/2023)

Phonics tools ensure student engagement to promote skill building and retention and include magnetic letters and trays, sound box cards, phonics games, lap boards, and sight word resources. (Review 8/29//2023 - 9/12/2023)

Music Play Online - Musicplay Online is a versatile teaching tool that encourages active music making in and out of the classroom. Whether you are at school or at home, our resources are designed to fit your teaching needs! (Review 8/29//2023 - 9/12/2023)

More Information : https://musicplayonline.com/

Social Studies/Science Weekly - Studies Weekly is a customized, standards-based core curriculum founded on deep learning strategies that increase student knowledge and skills in Social Studies and Science.  Click here to learn more about it.  This program will be purchased using SBDM funds for grades 4th and 5th.

Brain Pop - This is an online program to help assist our teachers with educating our students in the areas of math and science. Click here to learn about this interactive program.

Literacy Footprints - Literacy Footprints is a complete guided reading system developed by Jan Richardson and Michèle Dufresne. The lessons are based on Jan’s Next Step Forward in Guided Reading and Jan and Michèle’s coauthored Next Step Forward in Word Study and Phonics. Literacy Footprints features leveled readers, unique teaching tools, and guided reading lesson plans integrated with reading, writing and phonics. Click here to learn more about it.

Eureka Math²® - Eureka Math²® is a revolutionary math program designed to advance equity in the math classroom by helping students build enduring math knowledge.  The program uses “consistent math models, rigor to support the productive struggle, and coherence across grades, increased opportunities for student discourse, and a new level of flexibility to make math instruction exponentially more teachable and engaging.”  Click here for more information. 

Second Step - A holistic approach to SEL supports children’s and educators’ social-emotional well-being and provides opportunities for SEL in and outside of the classroom. When implemented with a coordinated approach that’s centered around the child, SEL can help you build stronger communities and support inclusive, safe, and equitable learning environments. Click here for more information. 

Learning A-Z - Learning A - Z provides best practices for teaching literacy, our teaching materials include lesson plans, classroom activities, and assessments that save teachers valuable planning time, as well as thousands of leveled books and resources in multiple formats that can be used for whole-class, small-group, one-to-one instruction, and independent practice.  Click here for more information. 

Fundations - Fundations® utilizes a structured literacy approach to make learning to read fun while laying the groundwork for lifelong literacy. The program’s research-based approach and extensive materials allow K–3 teachers to confidently present a carefully structured reading, spelling, and handwriting curriculum using engaging, multisensory techniques. Fundations is aligned with the science of reading and guides teachers to provide effective instructional practices.  Click here to learn more about this program.


IXL - In the 2019 study "The Impact of IXL Math and IXL ELA on Student Achievement in Grades Pre-K to 12," researchers found that students using IXL experienced greater growth on the NWEA MAP assessments than students without IXL. In addition, the effect of IXL was dose dependent: students who used the program more experienced even greater growth than their peers.

This rigorous evaluation featured a quasi-experimental design and included:

  • A large sample size of 4,000 students across multiple sites
  • Students in all grade levels, pre-K to 12th grade
  • Positive, statistically significant results for all NWEA MAP goal areas in math and reading