November 15, 2023
Picture Retake day and Preschool Wednesday/Thursday students
A couple of PTO events happening soon.
Ms. Crystal - BUS 1351 is out today (11/8/2023). Please make arrangements to transport your child to & from school.
Drop off in the front; Pick up in the back by the new playground.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Monday, November 6 Bullitt Day and Tuesday, November 7 PD Day no school for students.
Ms. Lacey - Bus 1950 is out today! Sorry for the inconvenience. Please make arrangements to self-transport your student(s) to school.
Shout out to our Overdale Custodial Staff!
Thank you Ms. Kim, Mr. Terry and Ms. Kirenia, we truly appreciate all of your hard work in keeping our building clean. You all are rock stars!
Donate and Earn!
Donate at least $5 to help tape Coach Geary to the wall!
Last day to turn in donations is next friday 11/10.
More pictures from Halloween 2023.
Mrs. Hornback’s class writing silly, spooky sentences yesterday.
Mrs. Hornback's classroom practicing word problems with a friendly game of Kahoot!
Some pictures from Mrs. Hornback's Halloween Party.
November 2023
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Our 4th grade math classes working on Halloween multiplication word problems today.
Our 4th grade math classes working on Halloween multiplication word problems today.
Our 4th grade math classes working on Halloween multiplication word problems today.
Some more pictures of our Halloween parties.
Mrs. Scott's class had a special visit from Sgt. Hayes and learned about fire safety. Also, a few pictures from our Halloween party.
Happy Halloween! We had a lot of different book characters today.
Kindergarten students disguised their pumpkins.
Mrs. Hayes' classroom had a special visitor and he discussed fire safety with the students. Thank you Sgt. Hayes!