Bus #1351 will be out on Tues., 9/19/2023 in the AM & PM.
Please make arrangements to self-transport your child/children to and from school.
AM Drop off in the front.
PM Pick up in the back by the new playground: Please leave room in the PM for buses
The Family Resource Center is collaborating with some amazing community partners to provide Thanksgiving Food Baskets to families in need at Overdale Elementary School. We will be taking a limited number of sign ups so please fill out this form ASAP if your family is in need of a Thanksgiving Food Basket!
Late notice, but...Students, dress up in 80s or glow attire on Monday, 9/18/2023, so they will already be dressed for Overdale's Skate Night at Skate-O-Rama 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!
¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana!
Bus 1818 will not run this afternoon, (Fri., 9/15/23). Please make arrangements to self transport. students home.
Bus 1818 Pick-up : In the back of the school. Please leave enough room for our remaining two buses to line up by doors..
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Pre-Order Overdale Spirit Wear until September 27, 2023
All orders and money are due at the time of pre-order.
Forms will be coming home with your students on Monday.
Overdale FRC Clothing Closet
Title 1 Grandparent Lunch
September 18, 19, 20, 2023
Upcoming Events for September 2023
Google Form for Title 1 Grandparent Lunch
High Attendance Day Wednesday, September 13, 2023!
PJ day
Kona Ice
Prices range from $3.00 to $7.00
Refill cup $3.00
Please send money with student name in baggie or envelope.
Classes with 100% will receive a popcorn party!
Overdale Dress Code for 2023-2024 Please make sure to read and it is located in the student planner as well.
Angel Tree 2023
Several Community Events sponsored by our Overdale FRC.
Weekly Staff Spotlight - Mr. Bolus
Mr. Bolus is always a great help with our students and he is very dependable.
Happy National Bookkeeper Week to our Bookkeeper Jennifer Sego!
Happy National Substitute/Guest Teacher Week! We really appreciate Mr. Bolus and Ms. Barker as they are always ready to help make our students day the best and ready to answer the call if ever needed for another assignment.
PTO Skate Night
September 18, 2023
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Skate O Rama
We will see everyone on Wednesday, September 6, 2023!
September 2023 Breakfast and Lunch Menus for Overdale Elementary School
Subject to change due to deliveries.
Overdale's Bookstore is online at the following website: www.myschoolbucks.com Overdale t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tablets, Chromebook fee, OES logo masks, and 22-23 Yearbooks. If purchased all items will be delivered to the student within 2 business days after purchase. Be watching for a pre order for the long-sleeve t-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies mid-September 2023.