Here at Overdale, #CounselorsHelp by providing helpful resources to families and students! Here are just a few from our very own Mrs. Tina! #bcpsmovindforward

It's #SchoolLibraryMonth! Not only do OES students read in library, but they do poetry, STEM activities, and more! Today, 4th graders were working on their "I AM" poem.

IMPORTANT: Families of students who ride bus 1320-Unfortunately, you will need to pick up your child this afternoon (4-19-2022) because we do not have a sub driver.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: We would love to have you join our BCPS family and become a Bullitt Co. bus driver. For more details call contact our school.

This week is National Volunteer Recognition Week so if you see our Volunteer Coordinator or our PTO president, be sure to thank them for all of their hard work! #BCPSmovingforward

Hey OES Families! Is your student missing something? Our lost and found is pretty full! We have coats, jackets, tshirts, bags, glasses, lunch boxes, bows and the list goes on. If your student has lost something, please have them check the lost and found!