During our Quarter 4 rally, we had the pleasure of recognizing our Koalas of the Month, as well as celebrating the accomplishments of various sports teams and after-school clubs. We are incredibly proud of all our Koalas for their achievements this year. The rally was a fantastic way to kick off our day, filled with pride and joy for our students' hard work and dedication.
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Craig and Kim from Craig's Jamerican Tings for their incredible generosity and effort in making the first annual 5th grade OMES breakfast a huge success! They cooked delicious pancakes and bacon for all 80 students, brought snacks, and even made refreshing slushies. Everything about this morning was perfect, and it wouldn’t have been possible without their support. Thank you for creating such a memorable experience for our 5th graders!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
It was another exciting day at Old Mill! Several students got to show off their talents in the talent show. These students have worked so hard to mastery their talent for the big day! Great job koalas you all did amazing!
5 months ago, Kaylee Compton
Today's student spotlight goes out to the OMES Student Leadership Team. Yesterday, these students took on a huge responsibility during the promotion ceremonies by helping families find their assigned seats. They were incredibly professional and served as outstanding role models and leaders for our school. Great job, team!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Today our 5th graders had the best time at Activate! Thank you Ms. Rucker for planning a great day!
5 months ago, Brittany Joiner
Last night, we celebrated our incredible first-year teachers at their THRIVE recognition. These amazing teachers have made a phenomenal impact in just one year. Here's to their dedication, passion, and the bright future ahead!
5 months ago, Brittany Joiner
Wrapping up Teacher Appreciation Week in style with delicious drinks from Mount Washington Nutrition! As we reflect on a week filled with gratitude and appreciation, these treats are the perfect way to end our Friday on a refreshing note. Thank you to everyone who made this week so special!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
A heartfelt thank you to our incredible leadership team for ensuring all teachers had an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week! From planning activities and surprises to organizing delicious meals like today's taco bar, you've made this week truly special. Your dedication and thoughtfulness shine through, making our school a fantastic place to be. We appreciate you more than words can express!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
A huge thank you to the Wood family for bringing in Panera bagels for all teachers this morning! Your gesture for Teacher Appreciation Week has started our final day of the week off on a fantastic note. We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and support. Thank you for making our day brighter!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! https://youtu.be/feCTAbRetfA?si=N7CzsVXCjuHKRGtF
5 months ago, Brittany Joiner
Our school is in great hands today with our principals of the day!
5 months ago, Brittany Joiner
principal of the day
principal of the day
principal of the day
principal of the day
principal of the day
principal of the day
principal of the day
A standing ovation for our incredible overachieving leadership team! This week, they've gone above and beyond, organizing breakfast, lunch, snacks, and special surprises for our teachers. Their dedication to making every day special and supporting our team in every way possible is truly remarkable. Thank you for your hard work, thoughtfulness, and unwavering support!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Hats off to our fabulous instructional coaches! Their expertise, guidance, and unwavering support elevate teaching and learning to new heights. Whether it's providing valuable resources, offering personalized strategies, or fostering a culture of collaboration, they make a lasting impact on our school community. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to excellence!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Let's celebrate the incredible support staff at OMES! These two fabulous ladies consistently go above and beyond for our students, ensuring they are always taken care of. Their dedication, kindness, and hard work make our school a better place every day. Thank you for everything you do!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
A big thank you to Church of the Crossroads and the McDonald family for the sweet treats! Your generosity and kindness brighten our days and remind us of the wonderful community we're a part of. We're grateful for your support and thoughtfulness!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Tomorrow morning our archery team is competing at nationals! Good luck tomorrow, Koalas! We will be at school cheering you on! We are so proud of the big things you all have accomplished this season!
5 months ago, Brittany Joiner
Huge shoutout to our incredible PTO! Today's catered lunch was a delightful treat, showcasing your thoughtfulness and dedication to our school community. Your collaboration with leadership to provide nugget ice makers in each PLC room is a game-changer. Thank you for going above and beyond to create a positive and supportive environment for all of us!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
A heartfelt thank you goes out to the gifted and talented teachers who light up the path to greatness. Your passion, guidance, and unwavering support inspire brilliance and nurture dreams. Thank you for helping shape our students into leaders and innovators!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
From art to music, physical education to technology and literature, these talented educators bring creativity and excitement to our school. They help us discover new talents, express ourselves through various mediums, and stay healthy and active. Their passion for their subjects and their dedication to helping us grow make them invaluable members of our school community. Let's celebrate and thank our fantastic related arts teachers for enriching the lives of our students and making learning so much fun!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Step into the world of fifth grade, where our teachers shine like guiding stars! Our fifth-grade educators are a remarkable bunch, weaving knowledge and compassion into every lesson. They make learning feel like a thrilling exploration, with interactive projects, thought-provoking discussions, and creative challenges. Let's give a huge round of applause to our fantastic fifth-grade teachers for their dedication, hard work, and the incredible impact they have on our lives!
5 months ago, Old Mill Elementary