Check out this staff shoutout for Mr. Whitsell from Bullitt Central HS! #MovingForward #BCPSServiceBeforeSelf
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Staff Spotlight
Congratulations to Ms. Victoria Mason from NBHS on being selected as one of the 2023 Campbellsville University Excellence in Teaching Award recipients! #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Congratulations to Victoria Mason, NBHS
Today, the spotlight shines on Ms. Tiffany Reynolds, one of our district staff, for her work with our homeless students! She was recently interviewed for an article in Kentucky Teacher! Amazing work, Tiffany!! #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Spotlight on Tiffany Reynolds
Kimberly Thompson, one of our two BCPS teachers to receive the Kentucky Teacher Achievement Award, now has a spotlight article through the Kentucky Department of Education! Check it out here: #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Kimberly Thompson in the Spotlight
Follow this link to give your input on selection criteria for the new principal of Maryville Elementary School! #MovingForward #PatriotPride
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
MES Principal Selection Survey
Follow this link to give your input on selection criteria for the new principal of Bullitt Lick Middle School! #MovingForward #BuiltDifferent
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
BLMS Principal Selection Survey
This past week our students and teachers were back together for Week 3 of Summer Learning! It's hard to believe that next week will wrap up our four weeks of summer fun and then there are only 2.5 more to go until we're officially back for school year 2023! #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Summer Learning Week 3
Summer Learning Week 3
🎁 🎁 And that's a wrap on Leadership Week 2023! 🎁 🎁 Today, our school-level admin teams worked through some important legislative and compliance updates for the coming year. Here in BCPS, we are always committed to the highest level of service to our students and families -- and that will never change! #MovingForward #BCPSServiceBeforeSelf
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Leadership Day 5
Leadership Day 5
Leadership Day 5
Leadership Day 5
Leadership Day 5
Leadership Day 5
Leadership Day 5
Leadership Day 5
Welcome back to Summertime Happiness! We love getting to feature some of the fun activities our BCPS staff have been doing this summer. Interested in sharing your own fun vacations? Send your photos to to get in on the fun!
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Summertime Happiness
Summertime Happiness
💪 It's Leadership Week Day 4 and our Instructional Leadership Team is still going strong! 💪 We continued our work around "Project-Based Learning" today as we really honed our focus on "ALEs" (Authentic Learning Experiences) for our students. What is authentic learning? Basically, anything that allows our students connect their learning to real-world issues, problems, or applications. 💭 💭 Think about the difference between turning in a worksheet on measurement for your teacher to grade vs. working with your classmates to design a model home that meets certain dimension specifications for someone in your local community. How much more powerful is that second experience for our kids!! P.S. - You wanna talk about something else powerful?? Scroll to see all of our high school principals, assistant principals, and instructional coaches collaborating together around this work! 🤯 🤯 #MovingForward #BCPSGraduateProfile
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Leadership Week Day 4
Leadership Week Day 4
Leadership Week Day 4
Leadership Week Day 4
Leadership Week Day 4
Leadership Week Day 4
Leadership Week Day 4
Leadership Week Day 4
Leadership Week Day 4
Leadership Week Day 4
Check out this staff shoutout for Mrs. Goodin from Freedom Elementary! #MovingForward #BCPSServiceBeforeSelf
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Staff Spotlight
🧑🏻‍🏫 👩🏼‍🏫 🧑🏽‍🏫 Bring in the Instructional Crew! 🧑🏼‍🏫 👩🏿‍🏫 👩🏻‍🏫 For Leadership Week Day 3, our Instructional Coaches joined our building admin teams to dig into teaching and learning systems for this school year. We dug into "Project-Based Learning" - learning that is designed to give students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set around challenges and problems they may face in the real world. Can you say "real-world ready"?? Our students can!! 🎓🙌 P.S. - It makes our hearts happy when we see admin teams having fun while doing some heavy lifting in preparation for the coming school year. Scroll to see if you can spot the joy! ➡️ #MovingForward #BCPSGraduateProfile
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Leadership Week Day 3
Leadership Week Day 3
Leadership Week Day 3
Leadership Week Day 3
Leadership Week Day 3
Leadership Week Day 3
Leadership Week Day 3
Leadership Week Day 3
Leadership Week Day 3
BCPS had not one, but ✌️ TWO ✌️ teachers selected as recipients of the 2024 Kentucky Teacher Achievement Awards! Both Doug & Kimberly now qualify to compete for the 2024 KY Teacher of the Year Award, which will be announced this fall. We wish them the best of luck! #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Congratulations to Doud and Kimberly!
Check out this student spotlight for Macie from Bullitt East High School! #MovingForward #BCPSProductiveCollaborator #BCPSCommunityContributor
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Student of the Week
We're just 2 weeks away from our Kindergarten Kickoff Event for the 23-24 school year! Come meet your child's teacher and more at Paroquet Springs on July 25th! #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Kindergarten Kickoff Event Flyer
Please help us welcome Mrs. Samantha Crumbacker to her new role as Assistant Principal of Shepherdsville Elementary School! #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Welcome Samantha Crumbacker!
We're back for Day 2 of Leadership Week 2023! Today, our district and school administrators worked together to dig deeper into exploring all the wonderful benefits we provide to our students and families here in BCPS and how these benefits play a critical role in the "story" of our schools and district. #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Leadership Week Day 2
Leadership Week Day 2
Leadership Week Day 2
Leadership Week Day 2
Leadership Week Day 2
Leadership Week Day 2
Leadership Week Day 2
Leadership Week Day 2
The band is back together again!! 🤩 Our district and school administrators came together today at Old Mill Elementary to kick off Leadership Week 2023. Today, we took a close look at "Who We Are" and "What We Believe" here in BCPS by diving deep into our Core Values, our school-level teams started thinking about the "story" of their schools, and we looked at what benefits and outcomes our students and families expect of us through our Board Aspiration Statements. Check out our Core Values and Aspirations here: #MovingForward #WhatsOurStory
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Leadership Week Day 1
Leadership Week Day 1
Leadership Week Day 1
Leadership Week Day 1
Leadership Week Day 1
Leadership Week Day 1
Leadership Week Day 1
Leadership Week Day 1
Please help us welcome Mr. Dominic McCamish to his new role as Principal of our Specialized Programs! #MovingForward
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Welcome Dominic McCamish!
Welcome back to Summertime Happiness! We love getting to feature some of the fun activities our BCPS staff have been doing this summer. Interested in sharing your own fun vacations? Send your photos to to get in on the fun!
over 1 year ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
Summertime Happiness
Summertime Happiness