We're hosting a Youth Mental Health First Aid training series on March 22nd and 23rd. This is open to our staff and the community! Please visit this link if you'd like to attend: bit.ly/march-mental-health
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Youth Mental First Aid Training on March 22-23
Reminder: our new masking optional policy begins tomorrow. This choice will be an individual/family matter and all decisions will be respected following our Core Value to "Embrace Differences" here in BCPS! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Masking Optional begins tomorrow, 2/23
The Hillview Test to Stay location will be temporarily closed beginning Friday, 2/25. Though we're not sure how long it will be closed, we will let you know when it is able to resume operation. Until then, anyone wishing to participate can do so at the MW location. #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Updates on Test to Stay Hillview Location
Don't forget to "go red" tomorrow! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Go Red Tomorrow!
Last month, when we asked the BES Kindergartners what they thought our Board Members did, they said things like, "It means you're bored", "They cut boards with saws", and "They help the schools". Friday, these Kindergartners saw the Board live in action! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Kindergarten watches board meeting live
Don't forget: School is in session tomorrow as a make up snow day from January! See you tomorrow, students! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
School is in session tomorrow
POLICY UPDATE: Beginning Wednesday, February 23rd, BCPS will move to a masking optional policy. Please note: masks will still be required on buses and at the Area Technology Center due to federal mandates that remain in place.
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Masking Policy Update
How many random acts of kindness have you completed this week? #MovingForwad #bcpsrandomactsofkindness #bcpsmakekindnessthenorm
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Random Acts of Kindness
There will be a special-called meeting of the BCPS Board of Education tomorrow at 1:45 PM. Although we know this is short notice, we wanted to get the most up-to-date recommendation of our Medical Advisory Team in front of our Board Members as quickly as possible. #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Special BOE Meeting 2/18/22 at 1:45 PM
With potentially severe weather on the way, it’s possible that our afternoon dismissal will be impacted. We appreciate your patience as we do everything we can to get our students home safely. #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
potential dismissal delays 2-17-2022
Our BCHS HOSA students have challenged all BCPS staff and students to "go red" on Tuesday, February 22nd in honor of women's heart health. Are we up to the challenge, BCPS?! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Go Red on Tuesday 2-22-2022
Congratulations to our District-Level Teachers of the Year: Gina Weber, Ashley Schell, and Dana Murphy! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
BCPS 2022-2023 Teachers of the Year
Be kind today and every day! Try these 7 quick and easy ways to be kind! #MovingForward #bcpsrandomactsofkindness #bcpsmakekindnessthenorm
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
7 Ways to be Kind
How are you showing kindness this week? Be sure to share using our kindness week hashtags: #bcpsrandomactsofkindness and #bcpsmakekindnessthenorm! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
BCPS Random Acts of Kindness Week
Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, last week's Virtual Open House didn't go as planned. However, Mr. Darrell Vincent, ATC Principal, shared this video that covers all the topics that would have been presented that night. Check it out! https://youtu.be/4-AopdLg8gw
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
Open House Video
It's National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day! We want to say a huge "Thank you!" to our SROs for all they do to keep our schools and students safe each day! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
It's National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day!
This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week! Check out the graphic here and make some plans to show kindness each day. #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
50 Ways to Show Kindness
Our principals love getting into classrooms to work with and mentor our students, and we love our principals! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
BLMS Principal, Kevin Connors, works with students on Goal Setting.
Some of our middle schools are partnering with GE Appliances to begin projects that will help give students a sneak peak into practical engineering before they choose their high school pathways. We can't wait to see what they design and build! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
GE Appliances Visits ZMS
It's Educator Appreciation Month! Here in BCPS every single individual, regardless of their position or title, plays a role in educating our students. We're so thankful for all of our educators! #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Kali Ervin, Communications
February is Educator Appreciation Month