Boys' Tennis information meeting on Tuesday, December 12th at 6:30 PM in the BE Library
A perfect holiday evening!
If you plan to take your Driver Permit test over Christmas Break, please turn in your form no later than Thursday (12/14). These forms take 2 - 4 days to process. We MUST have them by Thursday (12/14). The office will be closed during Christmas Break.
Check out next week's calendar and this week's news!
Recently our amazing cafeteria ladies received 100% on their health inspection. They are the best!! Happy holidays to each one of you!! You are loved by students and staff and are essential to the joy in our building!
Join our amazing team!
Hiring day & night custodians. Email Mr. Brangers for additional information or questions.
The Bullitt East Youth Service Center services our community by helping with food insecurities. The 2023 Holiday food drive will be serving food to families in the community. The YSC is asking students to bring in food this week!
Join our amazing team!
Hiring night custodians. Email Mr. Brangers for additional information or questions.
Our kids did a great job at the Red Ribbon Ceremony!!
Save the Date!
Beautiful music is the best way to celebrate the beautiful season!
Juniors, Jostens will be here tomorrow for Class Ring Orders. They will be in the lobby 9:30-12:30. Place your orders early to ensure your ring arrives in time for the Ring Ceremony. A class ring makes a great Christmas gift!
Project Graduation is sponsoring a Roosters buffet fundraiser!
Tickets are $17 each and you must bring your ticket for entry!
Kids 12 & under $5 each- pay when you attend
**We only have 100 tickets to sale**
The menu will include:
- 3-4 flavors of boneless wings
- Dumpster Wedges
- Mac & Cheese Bites
- Mini Corndogs
- Large Salad Bowl
- Ranch, Bleu Cheese & Celery
- soft drinks/ water
Please contact Rhonda Alexander at (502)797-3407 or for tickets!
Check out next week's calendar and this week's news!
Charger Shout Outs this week....Ms Erin White, Lily Merkle and Ms Joelle Armstrong! Help us celebrate what's awesome about us - OUR PEOPLE!
Senior Parents - The FAFSA open sometime this month. You need to have completed the FSA ID 2 weeks BEFORE you complete the FAFSA, here is a guide to help you complete the FSA ID.
Congratulations to two of our best! Olivia Pruitt & Misty Trent spoke with Interim Commissioner of Education Robin Fields Kinney during KDE Board meeting.
Spanish 3 & Spanish AP 4 presented about their MASCOTAS (pets) and they were the best yet of the year! 🐾🐾🐾
Monthly Professional Speaker Series: December 2023
BEHS Marketing Pathway
Happy Thanksgiving Charger Family!
C'ya Monday!!!