Staff Shout Out goes to the fabulous Kenny Hughes!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Teacher Shout Out goes to the marvelous Ms Faith!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Need help with applying for financial aid for college? This is the KHEAA FAFSA Walkthrough.
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Episode #6 of BEyond the Chargers Podcast Interview with Jason Novak and Sr., Color Guard member, Kendall McGary as they share EVERYTHING BAND!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Xmas Shop and give back!! For every gift card sold, BE gets 10%! Follow link to purchase until 12/9: Orders will be picked up @ BE before Xmas Break! Questions? BE.PTSO.PRESIDENT@GMAIL.COM
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
RSVP through this link...
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Student Shout Out this week goes to our viral sensation Ashton Jones!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Congratulations to our amazing cheerleaders! The squad placed as KHSAA Regional Champions in the Large All Girl Division. Great job ladies!
about 2 years ago, Debbie Pitcock
Check out the Charger calendar for next week and this week's Veterans Day edition of ENEWS....
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Support your Chargers! Wear your best black during the football game tomorrow against Manual!!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Special shout out to the best bookkeeper in the land!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
BEHS wants to thank and lift up our veterans and their families. We are humbled and grateful for your service to our country. SRO Officer Ed Johnson Victor Snow Larry Williams Cameron Bernard Theresa Allen “Never was so much owed by so many to so few” –Winston Churchill
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Student Shout Out this week goes to Abby Jackson!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
PTSO needs volunteers! Shifts can be split! Email PTSO President, Christina Shaw for more information.
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Staff Shout Out this week goes to Coach Kendrick!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Teacher Shout Out this week goes to Ms Molter!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Episode #5 of BEyond the Chargers Podcast Interview with The Red Zone Rowdies' Leaders Jack Matthews and Abby Jackson and Mama Jo
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
BEyond the Chargers
Check out the Charger calendar for next week and this week's ENEWS...
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Check out Charger Nation's very own rock star, Jackson Binkley, playing early this morning for WLKY's morning show with the School of Rock. Rock on, Jack!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Congrats Ms Goldbold on your 5th year of successfully sponsoring Red Cross Blood Drives at BE! For 50-60 pints of donated blood twice a year, the school receives a scholarship!
about 2 years ago, Bullitt East High School
Blood Drive
Blood Drive
Blood Drive
Blood Drive