Please see the School Funds Online website to purchase OES spiritwear, Writing tablets, Chromebook Fee, and Student Planner. If you have already purchased you will be able to pick up spiritwear and tablets at the bookstore booth tonight. (planners will be handed to the students on the first day of school) These items will be available for purchase at Open House but exact cash or check will be needed! Online is the best way to purchase these items this year. Fast and convenient!
7 months ago, Overdale Elementary
We would like to welcome Mrs. Makenna Sparkman to our Mustang Family as our School Designated Guest Teacher at Overdale!
7 months ago, Overdale Elementary
This year Mrs. Cox will be having monthly reading challenges for our students. Attached is August Reading Challenge.
7 months ago, Overdale Elementary
reading challenge
reading Overdale is a Community Eligibility Provision School, this means our students have free breakfast and lunch each school day. For us to keep this status we are required to have each household complete the income form for us to receive our funding. Please use the QR code or click the link above to get your application complete for your household.
7 months ago, Overdale Elementary
Please setup your SFO account today, to purchase OES spiritwear, Writing tablets, Chromebook Fee, and Student Planner. These items will NOT be available for purchase at Open House. Online is the best way to purchase these items this year. Fast and convenient!
7 months ago, Overdale Elementary
All BCPS student household needs to complete this form. Please complete as soon as possible online. Regardless of your household income, a form needs to be completed, this helps our school keep the CEP status.
7 months ago, Overdale Elementary
Thank you to Mr. Thomas Stokes, BCPS Maintenance Department for taking time out of his weekend to ensure our school grounds look amazing for our students, staff, & families!
7 months ago, Overdale Elementary
ATTENTION INCOMING MUSTANGS!!!! Please join us for kindergarten transition camp to learn all about becoming a future Mustang, July 22, 23, & 24th! Registration is required. Please scan the QR code below, or use this link to get signed up! We can't wait to meet you!
8 months ago, Overdale Elementary
k camp
All incoming Kindergarten mustangs join us on July 23 for Kindergarten Kickoff!
8 months ago, Overdale Elementary
Back to School Event!
8 months ago, Overdale Elementary
back to school
Drop off your supplies, meet your child's teacher and take care of beginning of the year packets.
8 months ago, Overdale Elementary School
Mustang Round Up 8/1/2024
Supply List for the 2024-2025 school year! These have been emailed to parents as well.
8 months ago, Overdale Elementary
Hello Mustangs! Come beat the heat and play in the water on July 9th at school from 12pm-2pm! The Zoneton Fire Department will be here with their water hose to spray you off, along with North Bullitt Christian Church to provide lunch. Lunch will be served on a first come first served basis! Walk up, ride your bikes, or ride with your parents! Be sure to spread the word! We can't wait to see you! ☀️
8 months ago, Overdale Elementary
We would like to Congratulate Ms. Stacie Sanders to a new position at Overdale as one of our Instructional Tutors. She will do an amazing job at Overdale working with our students. She always has a smile on her face and is willing to help when needed.
8 months ago, Overdale Elementary
Stacie Sanders
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT AUGUST 1, 2024 5:00 - 6:30 PM
8 months ago, Overdale Elementary School
Back To School
We would like to welcome Mrs. Stacey Swisher to our Mustang Family as our new 1st grade teacher at Overdale!
9 months ago, Overdale Elementary
Stacey swisher
We would like to welcome Mrs. Carmen Bolyard to our Mustang Family as our new Curriculum Coach at Overdale!
9 months ago, Overdale Elementary
Carmen Bolyard
We would like to welcome Mrs. Mariah Wilkins to our Mustang Family as our new 2nd grade teacher at Overdale!
9 months ago, Overdale Elementary
Our last Staff Spotlight for the 2023-2024 school year goes to our Bus Driver Mrs. Lacey for Bus 1950! We hope everyone has a great Summer and we can't wait to see each of you at our Back to School Open House on August 1st!
9 months ago, Overdale Elementary
Our fifth Staff Spotlight goes to our 5th grade teacher Madison Gregory! She finished out her first year of teaching Mustang Strong!
9 months ago, Overdale Elementary