Mrs. Schwartz's 5th grade students are learning how to crochet during indoor recess. How exciting is that?

Parents: The Kentucky Center for School Safety will conduct a school safety assessment on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. We need your input. Please complete the survey by 2/13/2024.

Monday, January 29th, 2024 is the 100th day of school!

This week's staff spotlight goes to Mr. Jessy Geary! He is our PE teacher and our archery coach at Overdale!

Hi families! Please don't forget to turn in your Big Smiles permission form before this Friday, January 26th. As a reminder, you can also sign up online! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Ashley. www.myschooldentist.org

4th and 5th Grade Boys Basketball tryouts has been moved to 4:30 to 5:30 this afternoon due to the weather prediction.

These are some upcoming community trainings that are free to participate in!

5th grade students worked hard on Thursday to solve a mystery by multiplying fractions.

5th grade students worked hard on Thursday to solve a mystery by multiplying fractions.

5th grade students worked hard on Thursday to solve a mystery by multiplying fractions.

This week's Staff Spotlight goes to our Special Education Instructional Assistant, Heather McDaniel!

Due to the frigid weather conditions, basketball tryouts for the 4th & 5th grade boys will be Thursday, 1/18/2024.
Thank you

Safety Concerns for our students and families during arrival and dismissal:
Please watch your speed in the school parking lot.
Preschool parents and students need to use the sidewalks and not cross through the parking lot or car rider line.
Please be mindful and not run the stop signs around the school area.
Please be mindful of students and families that are walking to and from school.

This week's Staff Shoutout goes to Mrs. Stevenson. She teaches 3rd grade at Overdale.

Hello Parents!
Great news! The in-school dentist is coming to our school on February 26th and 27th. Keep your child healthy. Sign up online NOW at www.myschooldentist.com.
Please contact Mrs. Ashley with any questions at: ashley.eskridge@bullitt.kyschools.us, or 502-869-2812.

The Chess club had a competition this weekend. Here are the results!
Jordan 6th
Cayden 11th
Grant 20th
Overdale came in 4th for their team out of 8!

Box Tops for Education! Help us raise funds for Overdale Elementary!
Download the App today and start earning our school some funds! Receipts can be digital or paper. Make sure to select Overdale as your organization.

Scanning your grocery receipts is an easy way to help Overdale Elementary School to raise funds for our students and staff!

Our First Staff Spotlight for 2024 goes to Mrs. Stacey Oliver, our music teacher.

Hi families, please take this survey. This is our opportunity to make sure the FRC is providing programs and services that are tailored to our students' needs.