Breakfast and Lunch Menus for January 2024.

We had a great pajama day! We hope everyone has a great Winter Break. Stay safe, get some rest, stay healthy and enjoy your time with your family and friends. We will see you all on Wednesday, January 3, 2024!

Our Archery Team had their 2nd tournament this weekend. They all did great, here are some of the highlights.
Our team placed 4th out of 6 Elementary Schools with 2375 points!
Top Shots!
5th grade boys :
Liam Bryson
Ramelo Massey
Grant Olges
5th grade girls:
Analeigh Adkins
Brihanna Smith
Sophia Brooks Geary
4th grade boys:
Grayson Sego
Ryder Wimsatt
Bentley Luttrell
4th grade girls:
Hope Estes
Lily Sauer
Addilynn Hubbard
New Personal bests:
Liam Bryson
Analeigh Adkins
Grayson Sego
Sophia Brooks Geary
Bentley Luttrell
Chelsea Meyer
Braydon Alvey
Austin Farmer

Our chess team placed 8th over the weekend!
Jordan 14th
Cayden 16th
Jaxon 18th

Flannel day was awesome.
Monday, December 18 is Holiday Character Celebration dress like your favorite movie character.

Kindergarten - 2nd grade STEM challenge
Ms. Davenport's classroom
Which group can stack the tallest hat with just cups and index cards?

OES families, please take a minute to complete this survey. This is our opportunity to make sure the Family Resource Center is providing programs and services tailored to our students' needs. Thank you!

We didn't get that many pictures today, but our dress up day was still fun. Tomorrow, Thursday, December 14 is "Christmas Vacation" so wear your Hawaiian shirts, hula skirts, sunglasses, etc. NO SWIMWEAR.

This week's staff spotlight goes to Mrs. Jennifer Davenport!

Attention all 4th and 5th grade girls!
Basketball tryouts January 3, 2024 from 6pm to 7pm at Overdale Gym

Today our 1st grade students learned about prepositions.

A few pictures from today Fuzzy Sock Day. Tomorrow, Wednesday December 13 is "Baby It's Cold Outside" (wear white, winter gear, scarfs, gloves, etc.)

Let's rise to this attendance challenge OES families! We can do it!

Here are a few pictures from today's Ugly Christmas Sweater. Monday, December 11 is Deck the Halls wear holiday accessories, jewelry, lights, etc.

Candy Cane Day was a success today. Tomorrow, Friday December 8 is Festive Friday (wear ugly Christmas sweater)

Thank you to Officer Priddy and Vader for visiting the library this week to read a special holiday story to our 4th and 5th graders.

Please see the attached flyer from the PTO about Parent's Day Out. This is the last call to sign up if you are interested in the opportunity to have a kid free couple hours this Saturday!

Crazy hair day continued.

Crazy Hair Day was a success.

More crazy hair pictures from today.