Some of Mrs. Hornback's students had lunch bunch for their work completion for October. Great job students!

Mrs. Hornback's class enjoyed a good book in the sunshine and fresh air this week.

Families - Ms. Lacey is out today. Please make arrangements to transport your child to & from school.
Drop off in the front; Pick up in the back by the new playground. Leave room for the buses this PM
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Overdale Families - Overdale's students and staff work hard in the classroom day in and day out. The 2022-2023 KSA results showed just how hard!
Our students had an overall 5.1% increase on the 2021-2022 KSA.

Shoutout to Mrs. Schwartz!
She has been at Overdale for 2 years. Our 4th and 5th grade students are learning lots and the team collaboration is awesome!

More pictures from Kona Ice yesterday!

It was a great day at Overdale for Kona Ice.

Dr. Bacon visited Overdale today. He and Ms. Holt had a great visit with our Mustangs! Our mustangs were working hard today.

Some more Veteran's day pictures from Friday's program.

Kona Ice will be here tomorrow Tuesday, November 14! Please send your student's money in a baggie or envelope with their name on it.

This is the November issue of The Dinner Table Project.

Please come support our vendor & craft fair. We are here until 2 pm

Happy Veteran's Day! We had a great celebration today! Thank you to our Veterans, Mrs. Oliver and to everyone that helped show our appreciation to the Veterans today. More pictures to be posted soon.

Ms. Crystal - Bus #1351 is out today (11/9/2023). Please make arrangements to transport your child to &from school. Drop off in the front; Pick up in the back by the new playground. Sorry for the inconvenience.

November 15, 2023
Picture Retake day and Preschool Wednesday/Thursday students

A couple of PTO events happening soon.

Ms. Crystal - BUS 1351 is out today (11/8/2023). Please make arrangements to transport your child to & from school.
Drop off in the front; Pick up in the back by the new playground.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Monday, November 6 Bullitt Day and Tuesday, November 7 PD Day no school for students.

Ms. Lacey - Bus 1950 is out today! Sorry for the inconvenience. Please make arrangements to self-transport your student(s) to school.

Shout out to our Overdale Custodial Staff!
Thank you Ms. Kim, Mr. Terry and Ms. Kirenia, we truly appreciate all of your hard work in keeping our building clean. You all are rock stars!