Crazy Hair day was a hit at Overdale today!

This week's Staff Spotlight goes out to our Teacher of the Year Mrs. Andrea Scott! Congratulations!

We had several students with Crazy Hair day for Whoville day.
Tomorrow, December 7 is Candy Cane Day (wear red and white or holiday colors).

Holiday Cheer at Overdale. Jersey day was great! Wednesday, December 6 is Whoville day (crazy hair day).

More pictures from our December Skate Party.

Our December Skate Party was a great success! Thanks to everyone that came to support our PTO.

This past Saturday our chess team had their first competition.
Two students placed in the competition Cayden with 10th place and Carlos with 9th place. Overdale won 2nd place for their team with the support of Cayden, Carlos, Grant and Jordan.

Santa Shop is coming to Overdale!
December 11-15, 2023 and during the Jingle Jam on December 15 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm

1st day of our celebration of the 12 days of Christmas at Overdale was an success. Tomorrow, Tuesday December 5 is Jersey day, wear your favorite team jersey.

Let's have some fun with holiday cheers. See the attached for the 12 days of Christmas activities at OES.

December 2023 Breakfast and Lunch Menus

First Academic Team scrimmage and the students did awesome. Congratulations to the team and coaches. Way to go mustangs ! Math 1st Cayden Hester 1st Hunter Cannon 3rd Brenden Peavler Language Arts 1st Brihanna Smith 2nd David Sherrard 2nd Amelia Vaughn 3rd Christopher Seda Social Studies 1st Zachary Ford 3rd Griffin Schaber 5th Emy Rigney Science 1st Grant Olges 4th Logan Whitehouse 4th Landon Alvarado Arts and Humanities 1st Briella Gomez 2nd Brayden Alvey 3rd Lily Sauer

Our staff spotlight for this week goes to Mrs. Kitty Price, our school nutrition manager. She does a wonderful job preparing meals for our students. She does an awesome job making the cafeteria a friendly and safe place for our students.

December 5, 2023
Community Care Event for Overdale PTO
What a great way to help support our PTO.

We have a lot of exciting things happening for the month of December 2023! Check out each of these flyers for the dates.

Mrs. Pugh’s class did Flashlight Reading today on this gloomy rainy day!

Thank you for all that attended the Skate Party last night!

Mrs. Romans' students wrote thank you cards for loved ones this Thanksgiving season!

Families - Mr. Orville is out today. Please make arrangements to transport your student(s) to & from school today, 11/21/2023.
Sorry for the inconvenience

Let's have a little fun Monday & Tuesday (11/20 - 11/21, 2023).
Monday: Wear Your Favorite Sports Team Attire to School. Then head over to skate night at Skate-O-Rama from 6 - 8 pm
Tuesday: Students & Staff can wear their favorite hat to school for a $1.00 donation to the PTO.