Our 1st graders in Mrs. Jump's have been working on solving addition and subtraction word problems within 20. To wrap up their unit they played a word problem board game to show what we know. #KoalasCreate
7 months ago, Kaylee Compton
Yesterday our kindergartners began diving into investigating a big question...what can we tell our community to do to lessen the impact on plants and animals?
7 months ago, Brittany Joiner
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This week's teacher spotlight goes out to Mrs. Grady. "A big shout out to the incredible Mrs. Grady who skillfully balances making meaningful relationships with her students and creating a rigorous learning environment in the classroom!"
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Tonight is Skate Night at Skate-O-Rama from 6-8! It is cash only and it is $5 entry and $4 skate rental. We hope to see you there!
7 months ago, Brittany Joiner
PTO Skate Night
This week's community spotlight goes out to Kings Baptist Church. They have partnered with our school to ensure our students had the opportunity to be apart of FCA this school year. We appreciate your partnership and your support to our students.
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Check out the link below for Mrs. Joiner's weekly update! https://youtube.com/shorts/rBkXFu_fvew?si=a7XYhIgvbmNZENQp
7 months ago, Brittany Joiner
This week's student spotlight goes out to Lucas Joiner and Niko Minic. "Lucas and Niko were so respectful and kind to their classmates. They both celebrated the successes of a classmate who got treasure box for the first time!" -Mrs. Bader
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
OMES Families: Are you ready for our Stopfinder rollout? Make sure you have the Stopfinder App installed on your device and be checking your email for your personalized invitation into the platform. Learn more here: https://youtu.be/-xZFn71gqbI?si=wtj_-rxv2k0QjIyC #MovingForward
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Todays staff spotlight goes out to Mrs. Becky. "“She is always willing to help! Whether it be staying late to help with a club dismissal, filling in for someone in the office, offering her lunch to someone who forgot theirs… the list goes on! Thank you Becky for your endless commitment and loving heart” -Mrs. Joiner
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
It is almost time for our Spring Book Fair! If you would like to volunteer at the Spring Book Fair please click the link below to find the available time slots. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FA4AF29A2FEC07-48140192-book
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
This week's community spotlight goes out to The Kentucky Science Center. Thank you for partner with our FRYC to teach our 3rd-5th grade koalas about elements, compounds, and reactions through different experiments. #koalascreate
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
This weeks student spotlight goes to Nathan Payne. "Nathan was taking a break in Ms. Clements' room, and I saw him sharing his puzzle with another student! I loved seeing Nathan do this act of kindness! He loves solving puzzles, and I love seeing him working together with another student!"
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
LAST CALL for the 2023-2024 yearbooks. If you want to ensure your child gets a yearbook this year please click the link below to purchase one today. The online store will close on February 23rd. https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1069358/Old-Mill-Elementary-School/2024-Yearbook/2024010910150497092/CATALOG_SHOP/ If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Compton kaylee.compton@bullitt.kyschools.us
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Welcome to Old Mill, Tatum! We are SO excited for you to be a part of the koala family!
7 months ago, Brittany Joiner
This week's teacher spotlight goes out to Mrs. Myers"Mrs. Myers is a great teacher and friend! She is kind and creative, and keeps the kids engaged with fun activities. All of the kids love being in her class, and so do I. I'm lucky to be part of her team!" -Mrs. Hibbs
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
This weeks community spotlight goes out to the Mount Washington Burger King. They partnered with our PTO to provide breakfast for our staff on Valentines day. The Burger King staff went the extra mile and gave each staff member a valentine with their breakfast. Thank you for your partnership!
7 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Congratulations to our OMES Archery team. They placed 2nd in their tournament this weekend and Waylon Phillips placed 5th out of all elementary boys! Great job koalas!
7 months ago, Kaylee Compton
7 months ago, Brittany Joiner
Lots of kind messages in the halls at Old Mill today!
8 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
This week's student spotlight goes out to the 3rd grade students. "During recess, a student lost a very important item. 3rd grade students immediately stopped playing and started looking for the lost item. When the item was found, so many students checked in with the student to make sure he felt better and was okay. 3rd grade students show empathy and kindness in so many ways! This was just one of many examples of how amazing this group of students are. " Great job Koalas!
8 months ago, Old Mill Elementary