The second grade students had some special guest from the University of Louisville dental school. The dental students shared and taught the 2nd grade students about the importance of dental health! #koalascreate
11 months ago, Kaylee Compton
It is almost time for our Nutcracker play. This year we have made many changes and a whole new cast to the show. We would like to welcome everyone to come and enjoy the Nutcracker this year. Click the link below to purchase your tickets.
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
On this special Veterans Day, the Old Mill Elementary community comes together with profound gratitude to express our heartfelt thanks for your unwavering service and sacrifice. Your commitment to protecting our freedom and upholding the values that make our country great serves as an inspiration to us all. Special thank you to our 5th grade students and Mrs. Biglari for hosting a fantastic Veterans Day program.
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Thank you Veterans for your service! Today we are honoring our Veterans during our school-wide assembly. We are encouraging everyone to wear patriotic colors to school today!
11 months ago, Brittany Joiner
Veterans Day
This weeks student spotlight goes out Abram Gearheart. ¨Abe has matured so much this school year. He is always the first one on the floor ready for lessons, always has his materials ready, and has really started to be a leader in our class discussion. ¨ -Mrs. Grady
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
This weeks teacher spotlight goes out to Mrs. Watson. Mrs. Watson is our OMES Teacher of the Year. We are so thankful to have Mrs. Watson as a teacher at our OMES. Congratulations Mrs. Watson. #koalascreate
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Happy National STEM Day, young scientists, engineers, and innovators! Today is a day dedicated to the exciting world of STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It's a day to celebrate curiosity, creativity, and the endless possibilities that come with exploring these fields. #koalascreate
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
This weeks community spotlight goes out to Mt. Washington Nutrition. They partnered with our OMES PTO to help show teacher appreciation by donating their specialty drinks to the teachers to start their Bullitt Day off great. Thank you so much for your partnership.
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
We honored our November Koalas of the Month yesterday with cupcakes and a special lunch bunch! #koalasCREATE
11 months ago, Rebecca Melcher
NOV koalas 23
Nov Koalas lunch
We hope everyone has a great long weekend! We will students back in school on Wednesday.
11 months ago, Brittany Joiner
At Old Mill Elementary, the Broadcast Team showcases exemplary teamwork on a daily basis to deliver an outstanding and engaging broadcast for the entire school community. Their seamless collaboration and cooperation are evident from the moment they step into the broadcast room. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, ensuring that everyone contributes meaningfully to the broadcast. This team of students run the entire broadcast on their own. #koalascreate
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
This weeks student spotlight goes out to Stella Abell. "Stella is always willing to lend a helping hand to myself or her classmates, which helps make our class run more smoothly. She goes out of her way to make everyone feel special and important in class!" #koalascreate
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Safety Patrol started today! We are proud of our 4th and 5th graders that are stepping up to be leaders in our building! #koalascreate
11 months ago, Rebecca Melcher
Safety Patrol 1
Safety Patrol 1
What a great day we had celebrating all things Halloween! Students rocked wearing awesome costumes, staff played a pumpkin seek and find, students created 3D ghost keychains, and had some virtual reality experiences! #koalascreate
11 months ago, Brittany Joiner
We would love to congratulate our Red Ribbon and Safe School Winners! These students will advance to the district competition! We wish them the best of luck!
11 months ago, Rebecca Melcher
Red Ribbon Essay
Red Ribbon Poster
Safe School Essay
Safe School Poster
Safe School Poster
Safe School Poster
Today is this outstanding educator's last day at Old Mill. She has dedicated her career to shaping the lives of our students and she will be tremendously missed! Happy retirement, Mrs. Stevens! You deserve it! Shout out any out your favorite Ms. Stevens' memories and well wishes below!
11 months ago, Brittany Joiner
Mrs. Stevens
This weeks staff spotlight goes out to Mrs. Hodges. "She is always available to help and is always so supportive. She is super understanding and always gives me resources when I need them! " -Mrs. Wells #koalascreate
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
This weeks community shout out goes to Stouts Hardware. They donated a brand new gas fire pit to the 4th grade team for their fall festival basket. Thank you so much for your partnership with our school. #koalascreate
11 months ago, Old Mill Elementary
Mark your calendars for our next family event!
11 months ago, Brittany Joiner
Skate Night
Last week we hosted empowering Student-Led Conferences! It was incredible to see our students take the lead in showcasing their progress and goals. A big shoutout to our dedicated teachers and proud parents for making it a success. #koalascreate
11 months ago, Brittany Joiner
student led conferences
student led conferences
student led conferences
student led conferences
student led conferences
student led conferences
student led conferences
student led conferences