Dress to impress! Students were looking very professional today!

Hats off to college and career week!
Students looked great in their hats today as they continued learning about more colleges and careers!

Incoming kindergarten families, mark your calendars!

We were so excited to see our koalas back today!
We kicked off the first day of college and career week!
Our students were dreaming of their future today as they wore their PJs to school today!

Our staff enjoyed being able to witness the wonder of the solar eclipse together!

OMES Families,
If you have not already, please register your child for next school year at the link below:

This amazing group of educators spent part of their spring break diving into the fascinating world of literacy and learning more about the brain in Atlanta! They are ready to bring back new insights to the classroom!

We are searching for a dedicated Night Sweeper to help keep our school sparkling clean and would love to have you on our team! Contact 502-869-3200 if you have any questions or visit https://bullittky.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=12601 to appy!

We miss seeing our kiddos and would love to see how you have spent your time off! Whether it was a beach getaway, a camping adventure, or just enjoying some quality family time at home, share your spring break memories with us in the comments below!

Mark your calendars for our 5th Grade Living History Museum!
April 11th from 12:30-1:30 at OMES in the gym. We hope to see you there.

Happy National Librarians Day to the amazing Mrs. Mason! Your passion for literature and dedication to fostering a love of reading in young minds is truly admirable. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the education and growth of our students!

Our PTO continues to go above and beyond to provide our families opportunities to make school memories! Last week, Donuts with Grownups was a huge hit! We had more families than ever participate and our PTO did an amazing job! Thank you to our volunteers for making this happen!

We hope you are having a wonderful spring break. When we return we have college and career week next week. Students will be studying colleges and careers. We will conclude the week with a vehicle and career fair. We will have dress-up days to celebrate the week as well!

Join us in giving a warm welcome to our newest addition to the Old Mill family! We're thrilled to introduce Jordan Calhoun, who brings a passion for education and a dedication to nurturing our students' growth. Welcome to the koala family, Ms. Calhoun!

Good luck to our archery team competing in the state competition today! #GoKoalas

We hope everyone has a wonderful Spring Break!

Today's student spotlight goes out to Megh Patel. "Megh has worked so hard to learn a new challenge using AI prompting to generate an realistic image. Megh's hard work truly paid off yesterday as he placed 2nd in the state at the STLP State competition in the AI on Demand Challenge. I am so proud of you Megh for preserving through this challenge and coming out a winner!" -Mrs. Compton

Tomorrow is Kona ice! The prices have gone up. Please see the new prices below!

Our STLP team had a great day at state! Megh Patel came home with 2nd place in the AI on demand challenge! Our students were also part of the KET News Quiz show that will be airing very soon! It was such a fun day and we are so proud of them all!

Our OMES STLP team is headed to Rupp arena this morning to represent Old Mill at the STLP state competition. Good luck Koalas!