This week's student spotlight goes out to Violet Thompson for showcasing incredible mastery learning and self-directed navigation skills! Her dedication to learning and ability to steer her own path towards success is truly admirable. She consistently demonstrates exceptional focus and determination, always striving to improve and excel in everything she does. Keep up the fantastic work and continue to inspire those around you with your hard work and commitment! -Mrs. Grey and Mr. Wikman

Congratulations to our first year teachers who have completed all components of their Thrive Program and will graduate in May! Thrive is a support system that the district has created to provide new teachers knowledge and support as they evolve through their beginning stages as a teacher. Shout out to all of our new teachers who have not only completed the requirements, but have finished it early!

Our Living History preparation is in full swing! Yesterday Ms. Grey's class practiced their monologues and provided peer feedback! #koalascreate

Tuesday was our first track meet for the year and they did so well! Thank you BE for hosting!

Book fair is almost here. If you would like to add funds to your students e-wallet to make shopping easier please click the link below. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Mason at michelle.mason@bullitt.kyschools.us

Today our teachers reflected on their instructional units through journey mapping with the OVEC team! In addition to this, they explored new math manipulatives and classroom instructional strategies. Oh, and we got to meet sweet new koalas! Today was a great day! ☀️

Our school is growing! If you are interested in being a part of our Old Mill community, check out our openings below!

Mrs. Grady did a great job as our principal for the day!

Check out Mrs. Joiner's weekly update below!

Fueling up and making connections - our students are shining examples of being productive collaborators and effective communicators with our new Koala T. Cafe!

Here at Old Mill our mission is to create a collaborative and innovative learning environment where all students succeed. We believe that this same mission can be carried over into the summer through reading books. Our librarian Mrs. Mason is on a mission to put a book into every student's hand to have during summer break. Please consider donating to the OMES e-wallet to help her meet this amazing goal. Use the link below to donate and help enhance the love of reading in each of our students.

This weeks student spotlight goes out to Rylee Tyler. "Rylee is the FIRST student to hit “The Impossible Shot” this year in PE! She was selected as today’s Next Level MVP in her fourth grade class, giving her three attempts to hit the shot using a tennis ball from 10 feet away. She hit it on only her second try. WAY TO GO, Rylee!!"

Kindergarten Pre-Registration is Monday, March 11th. Please reserve a spot today so that we have staff and materials ready for you. Please see the picture for required documents and click on the link to sign up.

Our 1st graders in Mrs. Jump's have been working on solving addition and subtraction word problems within 20. To wrap up their unit they played a word problem board game to show what we know. #KoalasCreate

Yesterday our kindergartners began diving into investigating a big question...what can we tell our community to do to lessen the impact on plants and animals?

This week's teacher spotlight goes out to Mrs. Grady. "A big shout out to the incredible Mrs. Grady who skillfully balances making meaningful relationships with her students and creating a rigorous learning environment in the classroom!"

Tonight is Skate Night at Skate-O-Rama from 6-8! It is cash only and it is $5 entry and $4 skate rental. We hope to see you there!

This week's community spotlight goes out to Kings Baptist Church. They have partnered with our school to ensure our students had the opportunity to be apart of FCA this school year. We appreciate your partnership and your support to our students.

Check out the link below for Mrs. Joiner's weekly update!

This week's student spotlight goes out to Lucas Joiner and Niko Minic. "Lucas and Niko were so respectful and kind to their classmates. They both celebrated the successes of a classmate who got treasure box for the first time!" -Mrs. Bader