Old Mill is looking for some SUPER volunteers to help out with the Hallway Heroes Volunteer Program! Please sign up using the QR code below or the link https://forms.gle/X8qz241urYCDZPE89. Reach out to Ms. Lawson or Ms. Shawn with any questions or concerns!
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
Our Kona Ice day had to be rescheduled for Friday, Sept. 15th. Not all students got to visit the truck today, so the remaining classes will go on Friday!
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Melcher
Kona Ice Reschedule
Our book fair is right around the corner. Check out the link to set up your student's e-wallet. You can also share your e-wallet link with family and friends to help purchase books. We are so excited about the fair. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the front office for more details. https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5412332
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
Check out the 3 dimensional shape work that Mrs. O'bryan and Mrs. Osbornes class has been doing. #koalascreate
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
Our book fair is right around the corner. Check out the link below to see which books are coming and steps to set up your student's e-wallet. We are so excited about the fair. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the front office for more details. https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/oldmillelementaryschool
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
This weekś teacher spotlight goes to Mrs. Stevens. ¨Thank you Ms Stevens for pitching in and helping out in the office at the beginning of the school year! We appreciate you!¨-Renee Frye
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
This weeks community spotlight goes out to Nicki and Bobby Vormbrock. As the school year begins anew, we find ourselves overwhelmed with gratitude for your incredibly generous donation of car rider tags to our school. Your kindness and support mean the world to us, and we can't thank you enough for making our daily routines smoother and safer. Thank you Nicki and Bobby Vormbrock. #koalascreate
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
We are looking forward to Wednesday. We have some fun things planned to celebrate students on High Attendance Day!
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Melcher
High Attendance Day, 9/13/23
Mrs. Yocum's class has been practicing making 2 dimensional shapes using different materials. #koalascreate
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
Mrs. Smith's class has been studying external plant structures. We celebrated our learning with an experiment where we will be growing beans in our classroom and watching their external structures grow. #koalascreate #koalascelebratesuccess
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
Yesterday was such a busy celebrating all of our success with the APEX Team. We couldn't have done it without everyone's help. Thank you so much to everyone that donated and volunteered to help make our fun run a success. We met our school wide goal that allowed the top classroom teacher to dump a very cold bucket of water on Mrs. Joiner! #koalascreate #celebratesuccess
about 1 year ago, Kaylee Compton
Yesterday was such a busy celebrating all of our success with the APEX Team. We couldn't have done it without everyone's help. Thank you so much to everyone that donated and volunteered to help make our fun run a success. We met our school wide goal that allowed the top classroom teacher to dump a very cold bucket of water on Mrs. Joiner! #koalascreate #celebratesuccess
about 1 year ago, Kaylee Compton
This week a group of our teachers received training on our new virtual reality equipment that was purchased by the PTO! We cannot wait to bring another level of learning experiences to our students!
about 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
VR training
VR training
VR training
Check out Mrs. Joiner's weekly update below! https://youtu.be/O1Lma5O0iSg?si=lgZFIPULVLkAuOk8
about 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
This week's Koala Spotlight goes out to 3 students, Riley, Embree, and Cali. "These three sweet girls saw a teeny kindergartner struggling with her giant backpack. They picked up her stuff and helped her get her backpack on and walked her to class." -Becky Wise
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
Check out the letter below for hear how you can still contribute to our school through the APEX fundraiser! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D8P7xEwTdFWbokkQHmJn89YWRKBW4YwF/view?usp=drivesdk
about 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
This week we celebrate our amazing bookkeeper. She keeps our finances in check and makes sure everything is taken care of. Thank you so much for all that you do Mrs. Becky. #koalascreate
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
Archery families: Please note the change in archery tryout days. The first day of tryouts will now be September 13th.
about 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
This weeks teacher spotlight goes to Mrs. Bleemel. ¨Thank you for creating a fun and engaging science experiment for the 4th grade students to participate in. All students enjoyed practicing and learning about the scientific process through their crayon experiment."-Mrs. Watson
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
This week’s community shout out goes to Mayor Stuart Owen and Harry Webster! The Mayor has partnered with the related arts team to come talk with the 5th grade students to help them gain more knowledge about leadership and help them continue working through their first learning excursion of the school year. Thank you, Mayor Stuart Owen and Harry Webster for coming and sharing with our students! #KoalaCommunity #koalascreate
about 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary