This week's Koala Spotlight goes out to 3 students, Riley, Embree, and Cali.
"These three sweet girls saw a teeny kindergartner struggling with her giant backpack. They picked up her stuff and helped her get her backpack on and walked her to class." -Becky Wise

Check out the letter below for hear how you can still contribute to our school through the APEX fundraiser!

This week we celebrate our amazing bookkeeper. She keeps our finances in check and makes sure everything is taken care of. Thank you so much for all that you do Mrs. Becky. #koalascreate

Archery families: Please note the change in archery tryout days. The first day of tryouts will now be September 13th.

This weeks teacher spotlight goes to Mrs. Bleemel. ¨Thank you for creating a fun and engaging science experiment for the 4th grade students to participate in. All students enjoyed practicing and learning about the scientific process through their crayon experiment."-Mrs. Watson

This week’s community shout out goes to Mayor Stuart Owen and Harry Webster! The Mayor has partnered with the related arts team to come talk with the 5th grade students to help them gain more knowledge about leadership and help them continue working through their first learning excursion of the school year. Thank you, Mayor Stuart Owen and Harry Webster for coming and sharing with our students!
#KoalaCommunity #koalascreate

Today we celebrated our Koalas of the Month. These students were nominated by their teachers, and/or classmates for celebrating the success of others. We are incredibly proud of them.

Happy Labor Day weekend, Old Mill!

Our Koalas have worked hard this school year learning and practicing our school wide expectations in all classrooms! #KoalasCreate

This weeks koala spotlight goes to Hudson in 4th grade. "Hudson is consistently helping others without being asked just because it's the right thing to do." -Mrs. Watson

Friendly reminder: We are approaching the dates for our archery tryouts!

Attention 4th and 5th grade parents. See the image below for information about Academic Team tryouts.

Please see the image below for updates regarding Mr. Donald's bus.

This weeks teacher spotlight goes to Mrs. Forman and Mrs. Boston.
¨They have helped to make the beginning of this year so smooth and easy-going.¨ -Amanda Gentry

If you would like to join our Old Mill family as a first-grade teacher, apply here!

Fourth grade used the extreme heat to their advantage to study the scientific process. Students made inquiries, observations, and predictions about crayons and heat from the sun! #koalascreate #celebratesuccess #teamwork

Click below for Mrs. Joiner's weekly update! We hope everyone has a great weekend!

Fourth grade students are working on their first authentic learning experience of the school year called "house hunters". Students got to meet with realtors that shared housing market information and more information about being a realtor. #koalascreate #communitypartners

We are in need of some clothing donations if you have any gently used items around your house!

Ms. Carla's purple bus, 2091, is currently experiencing mechanical issues. All children are safe at school and currently waiting for another bus to arrive. We are unsure of when this bus will be at school. If you would like to switch your child to a car rider and come pick them up, please call the school at 502-869-3200. When you arrive, please make sure you bring your ID.