We are thrilled to share the incredible excitement and energy that filled our school's gymnasium on Monday as we held our first rally of the school year! We started the rally with our OMES Koala Pledge. The enthusiasm of our students was infectious. It was a heartwarming sight to see our young learners come together in such a spirited and unified way. Our rally was about more than just cheering and fun. We used this exciting event as an opportunity to set the tone for the upcoming school year, to outline our expectations for behavior, and academic excellence. Our dedicated staff took the stage to share important messages about respect, responsibility, and the value of teamwork throughout the school year. #Koalascreate
over 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
Join us in welcoming Ms. Tori Bell as our new preschool instructional assistant!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
Tori Bell
We had a great first full week of school as students dive into content, create new friendships, and embrace the joy of learning! Here's to a year filled with growth, exploration, and endless possibilities. #koalascreate
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
first week
first week
first week
first week
first week
first week
first week
first week
first week
Check out Mrs. Joiner's weekly update below! https://youtu.be/6uEpTuvuSdk
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
Apex is coming! Our Apex Leadership program and fundraiser starts on 08/28!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
Mondays in related arts is for learning excursions. K-4 students learned how to generate questions. While the 5th grade students had their entry event. 5th grade students are focusing on the question "How can we inspire people to create change?" #koalascreate
over 1 year ago, Old Mill Elementary
Check out Mrs. Joiner's weekly update below! We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! https://youtu.be/17dfugtvbg0
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
Come join us for our preschool Open House on August 17th from 4:30-6:00!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
Preschool Open House
We had the BEST first day of school today! Thank you families for your unwavering support and partnering with us to help our students be the best they can be! #koalascreate Shout out to Kings Baptist for providing us breakfast!☀️
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
2023 First Day
2023 First Day
2023 First Day
2023 First Day
2023 First Day
2023 First Day
2023 First Day
2023 First Day
2023 First Day
2023 First Day
Everyone join us in welcoming Mr. Luke Ezell as our school's guest teacher!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
guest teacher
It is almost time for the first day of school! Check out the graphic below for some helpful tips and links you will need to access for the start of the year! https://www.canva.com/design/DAFq5pOO-cU/CdowpljpTtZV3kqGvs52QA/view?utm_content=DAFq5pOO-cU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
It is almost time for the first day of school! Check out of graphic below for some helpful tips and links you will need to access for the start of the year!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
first day
Kindergarten families, Tomorrow is day one of Brigance testing! If you have any questions, feel free to email your child's teacher or call the office.
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
k testing
It has been a busy week diving into professional learning and preparing plans for our students to have the BEST year!🐨 We have also enjoyed some down time together at our annual Back to School Staff Picnic! Thank you so much to Cattleman Q's for donating the BBQ for our staff!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
It has been a busy week diving into professional learning and preparing plans for our students to have the BEST year!🐨 We have also enjoyed some down time together at our annual Back to School Staff Picnic! Thank you so much to Cattleman Q's for donating the BBQ for our staff!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
It has been a busy week diving into professional learning and preparing plans for our students to have the BEST year!🐨 We have also enjoyed some down time together at our annual Back to School Staff Picnic! Thank you so much to Cattleman Q's for donating the BBQ for our staff!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
We are excited to share that Ms. Page will be joining our kindergarten team! Welcome to Old Mill, Ms. Page!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
Yesterday our teachers had a day full of learning digging into iReady and math resources, guided reading, play-based strategies, and restorative practices! #koalascreate
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
PL Day
PL Day
PL Day
PL Day
PL Day
PL Day
PL Day
PL Day
PL Day
We loved getting to see our koalas back in the building for Open House tonight! We are looking forward to seeing them again on the students first day, August 9th!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
open house
open house
open house
We loved getting to see our koalas back in the building for Open House tonight! We are looking forward to seeing them again on the students first day, August 9th!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Joiner
open house
open house
open house