Check out Mrs.Joiner's Weekly Update on the Principal Connection!
about 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
We are so proud of our academic team and how they did at their scrimmage last night! Below are the results and a message from their coaches, Ms. Polson and Ms. Bleemel!
about 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
Scrimmage Results
This week's Teacher Shout Out goes to Ms. Gentry! #koalascreate
about 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
Teacher  Shout Out
Happy New Year, Old Mill families! Friendly reminder, tomorrow is a Bullitt Day. Students will return to school on Wednesday, January 4th.
about 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
Below is a video that explains our new arrival/dismissal procedures. Feel free to reach out if you have questions!
about 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
Let's have an OMES Winter Reading Challenge! Enter the challenge by posting your picture below in the comments or email them to Mrs. Joiner. We will draw winners on January 3rd!
about 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
Winter Reading Challenge
Finishing touches are going up! #koalascreate 🐨
over 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
On the ninth day of Christmas my friends and I twinkled like the night and we shined so bright! We also enjoyed an amazing lunch provided by our PTO! We can’t thank you all enough!
over 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
9th day of Christmas
9th day of Christmas
9th day of Christmas
9th day of Christmas
We are looking forward to another week of celebrating the holidays with everyone!
over 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
holiday dress up
On the sixth day of Christmas I dressed like a character from my favorite Christmas movie! Staff also enjoyed cider, hot chocolate, and drinks from our Holiday Drink Bar! 🎄
over 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
Christmas character
Christmas Character
Christmas character day
This week's teacher shout out goes to ALL the OMES Staff Members. #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
One more week to turn in holiday foods the totals so far are: Pre-school: 6 Kindergarten: 83 1st grade: 52 2nd grade: 51 3rd grade: 30 4th grade: 51 5th grade: 19 For the grades that have already met their 50 food limit lets shoot for the stars and try to get 100! #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
food drive
Hey, BCPS! You may be eligible for a discount on your home internet! To learn more and to see if you qualify, visit this page on our website: #MovingForward
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
Congratulations to Bullitt East! We are so proud of you all! GO CHARGERS!
over 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
State Champs
Let the holiday festivities begin!
over 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
December 5-9
December 12-16
What a fun pep rally! Thank you so much to Bullitt East for coming over and celebrating with us! It was amazing seeing some of our former Koalas. Good luck boys in the 6A state finals.
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
Congratulations to our Red Ribbon and Safe School winners. They were all celebrated last night. We had 7 schools winners and 3 of those students won at the district level as well! Great job Koalas! #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
Red ribbon
Red ribbon
red ribbon
Test Post #2
over 2 years ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
444 four four four
Test post
over 2 years ago, Bullitt County Public Schools
four four four (444)
This week's teacher shout out goes to Mrs. Stephanie. #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary School
Teacher Shout Out: Mrs. Stephanie