The first grade team has been working hard learning about the elections and being respectful. #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
Today we wanted to express our gratitude for our Old Mill families and community. We truly have the best partnership with our community and we are continuing to build collaboration each day. You all have poured love and support into our students, doing whatever it takes to ensure our school is successful! 🧡
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
We are so thankful for our OMES students everyday, but wanted to highlight them today! Our Old Mill students bring us so much joy and we learn from them just as much as they do from us! We are thankful and proud to call each and everyone of our students, ours. 🧡
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
Today we want to take a moment to celebrate and express gratitude for our amazing staff here at Old Mill. At Old Mill, you will find that each and every person here is willing to do whatever it takes to help one another out and put our students first.  From our bus drivers who ensure our students get to schools safely to our cafe staff who makes sure our kids are fed, our teachers and instructional support staff who prepare and teach in the most innovative ways to reach all students, our custodial staff for keeping our school clean and safe and our front office staff who are constantly communicating on all ends. We could not do it without you all. Happy Thanksgiving, Old Mill staff! We are thankful for you! 🧡
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
Staff thanksgiving
Staff Thanksgiving
Teacher Shout Out of the week goes to Mrs. Marinesi! #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
Congratulations to Ms. Biglari! She is our 2022-2023 Teacher of the year! #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Kaylee Compton
Teacher of the year
Mrs. Gentryś Class has been working hard this week learning about different inventors! #koalascreate #celebratesuccess
over 2 years ago, Kaylee Compton
Mrs. Comptonś 4th Grade STLP group has a lot to celebrate tonight! Congratulations! #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Kaylee Compton
Mrs. Stevens' Class has a lot to celebrate today! #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Old Mill Elementary
Mrs. Stevens' Kindergarteners
Mrs. Stephanie's 2nd grade reading group started this Marvelous Monday off celebrating their hard work. #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Kaylee Compton
Mrs. Stephanie's 2nd Reading Group
Our 4th graders had a great time today on the Mammoth Cave field trip! #koalascreate
over 2 years ago, Brittany Joiner
4th Grade Mammoth Cave field trip
4th Grade Mammoth Cave field trip
4th Grade Mammoth Cave field trip
4th Grade Mammoth Cave field trip
There really is no place like OME!
over 2 years ago, Becky Wise
Staff and students in costumes from the Wizard of Oz.
Red Ribbon week is this week! Get REDy!
over 2 years ago, Becky Wise
Flyer for Red Ribbon Safe Schools week.
Mrs. O'Bryan's class spent some time this week working in groups to model and solve word problems. #koalascreate #movingforward
over 2 years ago, Becky Wise
Modeling word problems
Modeling word problems
Modeling word problems.
Modeling word problems
Archery information! FRIDAY IS THE DEADLINE for permission forms and physicals. No forms will be accepted after Friday. Students have to have both forms back in order to participate in tryouts.
over 2 years ago, Becky Wise
Archery photo.
Skating is going swimmingly... or skatingly... or just plain fun! Mrs. Joiner joined in today. 🐨❤️🛼 #koalascreate #movingforward
over 2 years ago, Becky Wise
Mrs. Joiner on skates!
Mrs. Joiner roller skating with friends.
We are getting good updates on our new building, but our old building still loves us. We had a beautiful double rainbow to greet us this morning! 🐨❤️🌈
over 2 years ago, Becky Wise
Double rainbow morning!
Mrs. Jump's class spent some time working together today to build numbers. #koalascreate #movingforward
over 2 years ago, Becky Wise
Working together in 1st grade math.
1st graders working together in math.
Building numbers in 1st grade.
Building numbers in 1st grade math.
From Ms. Rucker:
over 2 years ago, Becky Wise
skating unit help needed
over 2 years ago, Becky Wise
Picture day reminder.