🌟5th Grade Spotlight🌟
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
5th grader, Addison
We want to Brag about our Cougar Cubs accomplishments this year! Submit at https://tinyurl.com/RobyBrag2324 to showcase your successes to the Roby Community. Visit the Roby Brag board at https://tinyurl.com/RobyBrag
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
Photo of Zoe
Picture Day is tomorrow!
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
picture Day tomorrow
🌟5th Grade Spotlight🌟
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
5th grader, Deacon
Join us for our Annual Title 1 Books and Bingo Night on March 5th. Students will enjoy a fun evening of math bingo, the Book Fair and more.
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
Title 1 Books & Bingo Night
🌟5th Grade Spotlight🌟
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
5th grader, isabella
Our 4th grade is utilizing the book The One and Only Ivan to explore the concept of humane treatment of animals in captivity. They are comparing animals natural habitats to zoos and events utilizing animals such as the circus. Students were exploring the question: How might we as habitat specialists redesign or reimagine humane treatment of animals. Students are researching natural habits of these animals, consulting with experts, analyzing current animal enclosures and transport, and other practices of the zoo and circus. Check out fourth grade's trip to the zoo! Thank you to Shriners for gifting our school tickets for all students and staff to attend the circus. This provided an additional authentic learning experience to compare with as they redesign the enclosure for their chosen animal.
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
photos from 4th grade trip to Louisville Zoo
We want to Brag about our Cougar Cubs accomplishments this year! Submit at https://tinyurl.com/RobyBrag2324 to showcase your successes to the Roby Community. Visit the Roby Brag board at https://tinyurl.com/RobyBrag
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
photo of Penelope
We want to Brag about our Cougar Cubs accomplishments this year! Submit at https://tinyurl.com/RobyBrag2324 to showcase your successes to the Roby Community. Visit the Roby Brag board at https://tinyurl.com/RobyBrag
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
shoutout to Sophia
🌟5th Grade Spotlight🌟
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
5th grader, Ethan
Mark your calendars! Read Across America Week is coming!
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
Read Across America Week
These girls are wonderful examples of showing CARE for their space and others. #RobyCares #inspiringtheUnimaginable
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
Aubry and Amara
🌟5th Grade Spotlight🌟
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
5th grader, Amelia
To be 100% guaranteed to receive a 2024 yearbook, you must purchase online at www.jostensyearbooks.com by February 26th. We will sell additional copies later in the year but those will be limited to a first come first serve basis. The yearbook is going to be great, and we want you and your child to have one forever.
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
yearbook sales
We are incredibly grateful for Officer Johnson. By building positive relationships with students and providing mentorship, guidance and support, Officer Johnson not only enhances school safety but contributes to the overall positive atmosphere of our school. From reading to students and attending evening school events, to giving students feedback in authentic learning experiences, Officer Johnson provides invaluable contributions to our school. Thank you Officer Johnson! #RobyCaregivers #Inspiringtheunimaginable
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
photos of Officer Johnson
🌟5th Grade Spotlight🌟
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
5th grader, Luis
Greetings Roby families! Make sure to stay connected with the happenings at Roby through our Cougar Tales! Our newsletter had a typo with a date! https://sites.google.com/bullitt.kyschools.us/cougartales?usp=sharing
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
Cougar Tales Newsletter
🌟5th Grade Spotlight🌟
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
5th grader, Kaitlin
Mark your Calendars! Picture Day is coming February 22nd.
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
Picture Day info
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Golden Ticket Dances! Students may NOT have any discipline referrals since returning from winter break to be eligible to attend. Students who are ineligble may apply for consideration for a principal pardon by February 28th! Admission will be $5 a person. Tickets go on sale starting this Thursday (February 15th) and Friday from 9:15am-12:00pm.
about 1 year ago, Roby Elementary
Golden Ticket Dance flyer