We would like to invite all Roby families and community veterans to join us for breakfast on November 11th at 9:00 am. There will also be a program to follow breakfast. We are asking that Veterans RSVP at the following link. https://tinyurl.com/RobyVeteran
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Veteran's Day flyer
We want to Brag about our Cougar Cubs accomplishments this year! Submit at https://tinyurl.com/RobyBrag2324 to showcase your successes to the Roby Community. Visit the Roby Brag board at https://tinyurl.com/RobyBrag
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Weston Brag Board
Friday Night is our Third Annual Title 1 Literacy Drive In Cinema and Car Show. We can't wait to see everyone join us after the Fall Festival for a great movie, literacy information and the car show. #RobyCarShow
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Title 1 Literacy Night Drive In Cinema and Car Show
Movie Announcement- The Garfield Movie
We are so excited that the Roby Book Fair is going on THIS WEEK! The BEST way to send money in for your child is through the e-wallet. This digital payment allows you to safely create an account for your child to use for purchases and best of all, there is no way they can lose your cash! :) Sign up for an e-wallet on our Book Fair Website! https://bit.ly/robybookfair
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Book Fair Flyer
Safe Schools and Red Ribbon week starts tomorrow! We have a fun week of dress up days, contests and more planned. #RobyCares #RedRibbonWeek
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
RRW flyer
Greetings Roby families! Make sure to stay connected with the happenings at Roby through our Cougar Tales! https://sites.google.com/bullitt.kyschools.us/cougartales?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Cougar Tales Newsletter
Our first Breakfast Buddies Event of the year is coming up next week. TODAY is the last day to sign up for this fantastic event. Breakfast is from 8:40-9:10 on Tuesday, October 22nd (M/T PreK, Kinder, 2nd 4th & 5th) and Thursday, October 24th (W/Th Pre K, Headstart, 1st & 3rd). An adult breakfast is $2.90. Food from restaurants/fast food is not permitted in cafe. Please have the exact change. Sign up for this fun event at https://tinyurl.com/RESfallbreakfast24
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Breakfast Buddies Oct. 22nd
Breakfast Buddies Oct. 24th
We are so excited that the Roby Book Fair is going on next week! The BEST way to send money in for your child is through the e-wallet. This digital payment allows you to safely create an account for your child to use for purchases and best of all, there is no way they can lose your cash! :) Sign up for an e-wallet on our Book Fair Website! https://bit.ly/robybookfair
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Book Fair Flyer
We would like to invite all of All Bullitt County First Responders (Police, Fire & EMS) to join us for breakfast on Monday, October 28th at 9:00am. #RobyCares
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
First Responders Breakfast Invite
Unity Day is Wednesday, October 16th. Please wear ORANGE to encourage kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
unity day post
We would like to invite all Roby families and community veterans to join us for breakfast on November 11th at 9:00 am. There will also be a program to follow breakfast. We are asking that Veterans RSVP at the following link. https://tinyurl.com/RobyVeteran
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Veteran's Day flyer
Our first Breakfast Buddies Event of the year is coming up next week. Please sign up for this fantastic event by Thursday, October 17th. Breakfast is from 8:40-9:10 on Tuesday, October 22nd (M/T PreK, Kinder, 2nd 4th & 5th) and Thursday, October 24th (W/Th Pre K, Headstart, 1st & 3rd). An adult breakfast is $2.90. Food from restaurants/fast food is not permitted in cafe. Please have the exact change. Sign up for this fun event at https://tinyurl.com/RESfallbreakfast24
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Breakfast Buddies Oct. 24th
Breakfast Buddies Oct. 22nd
Safe Schools and Red Ribbon week are coming next week! We have a fun week of dress up days, contests and more. #RobyCares #RedRibbonWeek
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
RRW flyer
Tomorrow is a Bullitt Day and students have another day of fall break. We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, October 15th.
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Bullitt Day notice
We want to give a shout out to two of our Roby caregivers, who are celebrating their birthday today! #RobyCaregivers
4 months ago, Roby Elementary
Ashley marker
Jaime Bruffy
We want to give a shout out to one of our Roby caregivers, who is celebrating her birthday today! #RobyCaregivers
5 months ago, Roby Elementary
Tammy Hornak
Have a safe and fun Fall Break! We'll see everyone on Tuesday, October 15th.
5 months ago, Roby Elementary
Fall Break Dates
Happy Instructional Coach Day! 🎉 Thank you for inspiring and guiding educators to achieve their best. Your support makes a lasting impact on students and teachers alike! #RobyCaregivers
5 months ago, Roby Elementary
Whitney Voyles
We want to give a shout out to one of our Roby caregivers, who is celebrating her birthday today! #RobyCaregivers
5 months ago, Roby Elementary
Catlyn Simmons
Happy National School Custodian Day! 🎉 Thank you to our incredible custodians for keeping our schools clean and safe. Your hard work and dedication make a big difference every day! #RobyCaregivers
5 months ago, Roby Elementary
Custodian caregivers