Bus #1515 with Ms. Jennifer will be late. We are not sure by how long yet. She got stuck in a traffic situation with a train and will notify us when she is back on the road.
For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
Good morning!!! It's Wednesday Sept. 25, 2024.
1777 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Joy is OUT.
1663 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Karen is OUT.
2078 - SUB... Mr. Neil.
1950 - SUB... Ms. Theresa.
1717 - ***NO DRIVER. Mr. Wes is OUT
Central area bus 1248 w/ Ms. Liz will be OUT this afternoon. Because 2230 is already out... 1248 and 2230 will be SELF TRANSPORT this afternoon.
For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
North area bus 1320 - Ms. Dana is OUT this morning but will be HERE in the afternoon. NBHS and ZMS students need to catch 1674 or 1718 at SUMMITT DR. MES is self transport this morning.
1777 - Ms. Joy is OUT.
2222 - Ms. Tammy is OUT.
2230 - Ms. Alice is OUT.
1193 - Mr. Robert is OUT.
2020 - Ms. Michelle is OUT.
2078 - SUB... Mr. Neil.
1342 - Mr. Barry is HERE this morning but OUT this afternoon.
1950 - SUB... Ms. Teresa.
Reminder: I WILL BE HERE all day Tuesday... AM and PM but unfortunately... we weren't able to secure a sub for Wed. Thurs or Fri. 1717 kiddos will be "self transport" for those days. I apologize. Things could change so pay attention to the BCPS Transportation page and I will post if a sub is secured.
We just found out that central area bus 1777 will be OUT this afternoon.
Bus #1950 will have a sub this afternoon. Mr. Neil will be transporting your kids home!
For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
1515 - Ms. Jennifer is OUT.
1522 - Ms. Peggy is HERE this morning but OUT this afternoon.
1777 - SUB... Ms. Tonya.
1193 - Mr. Robert is OUT.
1527 - Ms. Linda is OUT.
2020 - Ms. Michelle is OUT.
2078 - SUB... Mr. Neil.
1674 - Ms. Brittany is OUT.
1950 - Ms. Lacey is OUT Mon, Tues n Wed.
There was a miscommunication this morning about route #2078. The sub driver is headed out now and will pick up any high schoolers that are out, on his middle school route. BEHS will be made aware so that there are no unexcused tardies for this. We apologize.
For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
CENTRAL Buses OUT or...
1326 - HERE this morning but OUT this afternoon.
1333 - OUT.
1515 - OUT.
1525 - OUT.
1745 - OUT.
1777 - OUT.
2230 - OUT.
EAST buses OUT or...
1193 - OUT.
2078 - SUB... Mr. Neil.
2123 - HERE this morning but will be OUT this afternoon.
NORTH buses OUT or...
1342 - OUT.
1950 - OUT.
North area bus 1950 w/ Ms. Lacey will be OUT this afternoon. Sorry.
Bus #1777 is back on the road. He will be picking up middle school on time and any high schoolers that have not been picked up yet. Schools have been notified.
Please be patient for bus #1777. There is a sub driver and he is dealing with Mechanical issues on his route. He will be running late. We will update you when we get clearance, as to how late he will be running. If another bus, trying to help, stops for your student, please tell them to get on that bus. Thank you!
For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
1515 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Jennifer is OUT.
1525 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Theresia is OUT.
1777 - SUB ... Mr. Neil
2230 - OUT this morning but we do have a SUB for this afternoon.
2078 - ***NO DRIVER ... Mr. Tim is OUT.