Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
38 minutes ago, BCPS Transportation
---CENTRAL AREA--- 1663 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Karen is OUT. ---EAST AREA--- 1193 - SUB 1527 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Linda is OUT. 1828 - SUB ---NORTH AREA--- 1320 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Dana is OUT. Her students can meet 1674 at Summitt for rides to NBHS and ZMS. 1718 - SUB
about 1 hour ago, BCPS Transportation
We will -NOT- have east area bus 1828 this afternoon. Very sorry.
4 days ago, BCPS Transportation
We have just confirmed that North area bus 1320 will be here this afternoon.
4 days ago, BCPS Transportation
Resending… North area buses 1320 and 1721 will be out today. Central area bus 1326 will be out today. If you did not receive this earlier… Very sorry for the late notice.
4 days ago, BCPS Transportation
Central area bus 1515 w/ Ms. Jennifer is going to be late for her BCHS route this morning due to a mechanical issue. You can... self transport... OR wait and ride with her middle school route OR... you can meet Ms. Cindy on 1652 at the Dollar Store there on 245. She leaves there at 6:30 am and goes to BCHS.
4 days ago, BCPS Transportation
Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
4 days ago, BCPS Transportation
North area bus 1342 w/ Mr. Barry will be here this afternoon BUT... he will miss his NBHS route. He WILL bring them home with his middle school route if you can't or choose not to self transport.
5 days ago, BCPS Transportation
As expected… East area bus 2182 does have a sub driver for this afternoon. 
5 days ago, Wes Stafford
Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
5 days ago, BCPS Transportation
1326... central area bus with Ms. Darlene is OUT today.
5 days ago, BCPS Transportation
Central area bus 1652 with Ms. Cindy WILL BE HERE THIS AFTERNOON!
6 days ago, BCPS Transportation
Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
6 days ago, BCPS Transportation
1652 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Cindy is OUT
6 days ago, BCPS Transportation
We -DO- have a SUB driver for east area bus 1527 this afternoon.
7 days ago, BCPS Transportation
Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
7 days ago, BCPS Transportation
Central 1326 - HERE this morning... OUT this afternoon. 1663 - NO DRIVER ... Ms. Karen is OUT. 2222 - NO DRIVER ... Ms. Tammy is OUT. EAST 1193 - NO DRIVER ... Mr. Robert is OUT. 1527 - HERE this morning... OUT this afternoon. 1881 - NO DRIVER ... Ms. Melissa is OUT NORTH 1289 - NO DRIVER ... Ms. Sherri is OUT.
7 days ago, BCPS Transportation
We have a sub for bus #2020 this afternoon! Your students will have a bus to ride home. Thank you!
10 days ago, BCPS Transportation
Special Needs bus #2253, with Ms. Hayley is running 15-20 minutes late. as of 6:20am.
10 days ago, BCPS Transportation
North area bus 1818 with Mr. Kyle is out today. Was told a few people may not have received the first notice.
10 days ago, BCPS Transportation