Sorry for the late notice... we will NOT have east area bus 1719 this afternoon.
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
Sorry... Ms. Penny on east area bus 1828 is HERE today all day. Will be OUT Monday 8-26-24 in the PM only.
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
CENTRAL 1212 - NO DRIVER - Steve is OUT. 1248 - NO DRIVER - Liz is OUT. 1515 - NO DRIVER - Jennifer is OUT. 2230 - SUB - Teresa. EAST 1828 - OUT this afternoon. 2078 - SUB - Greg. NORTH 1342 - NO DRIVER - Barry is OUT. 1351 - OUT this morning. 1840 - NO DRIVER - Marilyn is OUT. 1950 - NO DRIVER - Lacey is OUT.
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
Right At School Link for cancelled buses
1248 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Liz is OUT today and Friday. You can meet at the firehouse at East Martin's Place for high school at 630 am n middle school at 730 am...Nichols Elementary is self transport.
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
---CENTRAL AREA--- 1248 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Liz is OUT today and Friday. 1515 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Jennifer is OUT. 2230 - SUB... Ms. Teresa. ---EAST AREA--- 2078 - SUB... Mr. Greg. ---NORTH AREA--- 1342 - ***NO DRIVER ... Mr. Barry is OUT today and Friday. 1950 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Lacey is OUT.
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
2078 will have a sub today. Highschool, please self transport. If you can not self transport, you can get on the middle school route, about an hour later than your normal time. Bullitt East will be notified.Thank you!
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
Right At School Link for cancelled buses
---CENTRAL AREA--- 1248 - BCHS is self transport this morning. Ms. Liz will be in for middle and elementary. 1515 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Jennifer is OUT. 2230 - SUB... Ms. Teresa. ---EAST AREA--- 2078 - SUB... Mr. Greg. ---NORTH AREA--- 1259 - OUT this morning... HERE this afternoon.
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
At the new stop in the back of Mallard Lake at Sanctuary... while waiting for the bus... please don't park your cars on the road in a way that limits the ability of the bus driver to get through the area or perform a turnaround. Thank you!
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
BCHS, BLMS and SES 1156 OUT PM ONLY... BCHS, BMS and LJES 1515 is OUT... BCHS, BLMS and NES 2230 has a SUB... BEHS, MWMS and OMES 1828 has a SUB... BEHS, EMS and PGES 2078 has a SUB... NBHS, HMS and FES 1289 OUT PM ONLY
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
We DO have a SUB for Ms. Penny this morning. Ms. Penny will be back this afternoon. Be at the bus stop. Ms. Terri is the SUB.
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
Driver worked it out to ADD... ONE (1) stop at Sanctuary @ Mallard Lake Blvd at the STOP SIGN. High 6:15 Middle 7:15 Elem 8:15. Be at the stop 5 minutes early. Driver CANNOT wait for late arrivals. Starts Tuesday morning 8-17-24.
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
Right At School Link for cancelled buses
---CENTRAL AREA--- ... 2230 - SUB... Ms. Teresa. ... ---EAST AREA--- ... 2078 - ***NO DRIVER ... Mr. Tim is out. No sub available today. BEHS shuttle available at Pizza Hut across from PGES. 6:24 am.
5 months ago, BCPS Transportation
6 months ago, BCPS Transportation
Right At School Link for cancelled buses
OUT TODAY 8-16-24 2230 BCHS, BLMS and SES > same as yesterday. 1718 NBHS, ZMS and MES. 2078 is HERE... but is last day this month.
6 months ago, BCPS Transportation