Good news... we -DO- have a SUB on central area bus 1313 for this afternoon!

BUS 1663: If you are off HWY 434, you will need to be self transport or go to on of her alternate bus stops. Our sub bus driver can not get down that road with the closure. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true

1313 - ***NO DRIVER... Ms. Carol is OUT.
1501 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Kim is OUT.
1515 - OUT this morning... HERE this afternoon.

Ms. Alura on #1522, is back on her bus this afternoon.Bus #1522 can ride the bus home today!

Ms. Brenda is having mechanical issues. We need her highschool kids to self transport if possible. If not, please have the highschoolers get on with the middle schoolers. Those bus stop times will be right at about an hour later than their original times. Schools will be notified. Thank you!

Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true

1522 - OUT but 1777 will assist like yesterday. Expect delays with 1777.
1663 - ***NO DRIVER... Ms. Karen is OUT.
1193 - ***NO DRIVER ... Mr. Robert is OUT.
1968 - ***NO DRIVER ... Mr. Jonathan is OUT.
2123 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Kim is OUT.

We -WILL- have a sub driver for north area bus 1950 this afternoon.

Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true

1522 - OUT but 1777 will assist like yesterday. Expect delays with 1777.
1663-***NO DRIVER... Ms. Karen is OUT.
1527 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Linda is OUT.
2078 - HERE this morning... OUT this afternoon.
1950 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Jennifer is OUT.

We WILL HAVE a sub driver on central bus 1501 for this afternoon. She'll be driving bus #1968.

Unfortunately, we just found out we will NOT have north area bus 1351 this afternoon.
Please self transport.

Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true

We apologize for the late notice. We do not have a driver for 1663 today. Students must self transport to and from school.

1501 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Kim is OUT thru Wednesday.
1522 - OUT but 1777 will assist like before.
1688 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Joni is OUT.
1828 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Penny is OUT.
2129 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Shannon is OUT.

1522 - Ms. Alura is OUT but ... Mr. Justin on 1777 will assist with all three routes in Bella Woods, on Ryan Patrick and Meadowland Trail. Will be about five minutes later than 1522. If you ride 1522 in other areas... YOU CAN MEET THE BUS at Justin Ct. n Browningtown. BCHS at 6:05 am BMS at 7:20 am and CGES at 8:20 am

Just a heads up. Bus 1525 has a sub this afternoon. I know some kids were told Ms. Teresa would be out and she is, but there IS a sub.

Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true

1649 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Frances is OUT. Please self transport.