It's Monday August 14, 2023.
BUS INFO: Plan B ... SUBS and ***NO DRIVER > (OUT AM and PM unless listed) If your bus isn't listed... it's on the road without changes.
------------------CENTRAL AREA------------------
999 - Boardwalk/Park Place Apts... STOPS ARE AT THE GAZEBOS!
1745 - Ms. Brittany is OUT today. NO DRIVER.
------------------EAST AREA------------------
1671 - ***NO DRIVER this AM. Not sure about PM yet.
2078 - OUT this week. BEHS shuttle available at PGES at 6:22 am
------------------NORTH AREA------------------
1717 - ***NO DRIVER ... NBHS, HMS and FES
1721 - Mr. Orville is back today.
1950 - ***NO DRIVER ... NBHS, ZMS and OES.

It's Monday August 14, 2023.
BUS INFO: Plan B ... SUBS and ***NO DRIVER > (OUT AM and PM unless listed) If your bus isn't listed... it's on the road without changes.
------------------CENTRAL AREA------------------
999 - Boardwalk/Park Place Apts... STOPS ARE AT THE GAZEBOS!
1745 - Ms. Brittany is OUT today. NO DRIVER.
------------------EAST AREA------------------
1671 - ***NO DRIVER this AM. Not sure about PM yet.
2078 - OUT this week. BEHS shuttle available at PGES at 6:22 am
------------------NORTH AREA------------------
1717 - ***NO DRIVER ... NBHS, HMS and FES
1721 - Mr. Orville is back today.
1950 - ***NO DRIVER ... NBHS, ZMS and OES.

Very sorry... central area bus 1745 will be out this afternoon.

We just found out that the central area driver for 1745 will not be here this morning. Very sorry for the late notice.

It's Friday August 11, 2023.
BUS INFO: Plan B ... SUBS and ***NO DRIVER > (OUT AM and PM unless listed)
If your bus isn't listed... it's on the road without changes.
------------------CENTRAL AREA------------------
999 - Old 0711/854 route... Mr. Mark is the new driver
***Boardwalk/Park Place Apts... STOPS ARE AT THE GAZEBOS!
------------------EAST AREA------------------
2078 - Sub driver... Mr. Tim
------------------NORTH AREA------------------
1717 - ***NO DRIVER ... NBHS, HMS and FES
1721 - ***NO DRIVER ... This driver didn't quit.
Bus 1259 will assist with BES in Pryor Valley.
1950 - ***NO DRIVER ... NBHS, ZMS and OES

Good morning. It's Thursday August 10, 2023.
A comfortable 69° this morning with partly cloudy skies. Expecting a partly sunny day with a high later of 84°. 20% of rain 💦 today.
TRAFFIC: 🚌🚚🚗🚐 5:30 am ... clear.
Sunrise 🌞 6:53 am... sunset 8:42 pm.
BUS INFO: Plan B ... SUBS and ***NO DRIVER > (OUT AM and PM unless listed)
If your bus isn't listed... it's on the road without changes.
------------------CENTRAL AREA------------------
------------------EAST AREA------------------
2078 - Sub driver... Mr. Tim
------------------NORTH AREA------------------
1717 - NO DRIVER
1721 - NO DRIVER to or Friday
1950 - NO DRIVER

Good morning and welcome back! Wednesday August 9, 2023
------------------CENTRAL AREA------------------
999 - Old 0711/854 route... Mr. Mark is the new driver
**** - Old 1310 in LJ... Plan B with 1515 Ms. Jennifer and 1663 Ms. Karen
1745 - Ms. Brittany is the new driver
------------------EAST AREA------------------
1111 - Plan B w/1968 and 2143
1310 - Old 1960 route... yes... Ms. JESSICA is back behind the wheel
1671 - Mr. James is the new driver
1919 - Ms. Kim is back and good to go
2078 - Sub driver... Mr. Tim
------------------NORTH AREA------------------
1342 - New driver... Mr. Barry
1616 - New driver... Ms. Londa
1717 - ***NO DRIVER ... NBHS, HMS and FES (scheduled driver sick)
1718 - New driver... Mr. Richard
1818 - New driver... Mr. Tim
1950 - ***NO DRIVER ... NBHS, ZMS and OES