Mrs. Joiner got some sneak peeks at the new building today! Progress is being made! We're so excited!

A fun little challenge to raise some funds for the Performing Arts presentation of The Nutcracker coming in December!

Kona Ice prices AND FLAVORS!

Kona Ice pricing for this school year.

Picture day is soon!

Our first Kona Ice of the year will be Tuesday, September 13!

Don't forget about our Outdoor Movie Night tomorrow night at 7:30! We can't wait to see our Old Mill families there!

We just found out we will not have bus 1527 this afternoon. Please email transportation arrangements to becky.wise@bullitt.kyschools.us or renee.frye@bullitt.kyschools.us

Jeans and boots to stomp out childhood cancer yesterday! Today is gold out day! Wear gold!#koalascreate #movingforward

Childhood cancer-fighting heroes! #koalascreate #movingforward

Twins, squads, and tortoises today! #movingforward #koalascreate

OMES: We were just notified that bus 1527 is out today. We apologize for this. OMES will not have a bus 1527 route today.

OMES families: BUS 2091 will NOT have a PM route this Thursday. We are asking families to begin working on Plan B in the event this route is not filled by then. We are hopeful the route is picked up, but it is unlikely. Please hold off sending in notes until Wednesday just in case it is filled. You may email Renee or Becky at renee.frye@bullitt.kyschools.us or becky.wise@bullitt.kyschools.us with your note as well.

This week:

OMES: APEX Fundraiser begins Monday. Apex works to support student leadership and includes a fitness event. The funds raised will go directly to support the new school's garden, virtual reality equipment, broadcast room, and outdoor classroom.

Early morning creativity in Mrs. Stevens' room! Brain Flakes can be flowers! 🐨❤️🌷 #koalascreate #movingforward

Any questions about the Old Mill Archery Team, should be emailed to the coach, Mary Ann Phillips. Archery is only for 4th and 5th graders at Old Mill. This is a national rule, and we cannot change it.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Monday starts the 2nd Annual Children's Toy Drive! You can drop off new toys at the Mt. Washington firehouse the week of 8/29 or at the BEHS vs NBHS Football Game on 9/2 at BEHS. #movingforward

ZOODLES IS COMING! Check backpacks tomorrow for information. This is super short notice, but the animals are too fun to pass up!

OMES Community:
Our car rider lines are safer than they have been but are now slower. We continue to improve and will fix areas of need as we see them. Our PM process for lanes is being corrected tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding today as I made some errors with the cut points.
AM CAR RIDER is changing. A video will be going out later and being posted as well. The image included in this message is the new route for AM Car Rider ONLY. Please see the general description BELOW.
*Enter BEHS
*Turn left into Student Parking Lot (as we have been)
* Move around the backside of BEHS (***NEW***) DRIVE SAFELY & BE ALERT.
*Drop off at the OMES FRONT DOORS (***NEW***)
*Exit at OMES exit as we have been
AM Car Rider route (Copy and paste into a browser): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sc0Kw9K9NoDJMd-2JouBEC70dfPKLOMP/view?usp=sharing
We have made lots of changes in the past week. It has been my mission to increase safety and efficiency. Safety is better and we are working on efficiency now.
Thank you for your support in the process.